4 things to know about a youth-led court case against Ontario’s climate plans
Ontario’s highest court says seven youth have a right to challenge the province in cutting its emissions targets
"The case is a first for Canada in many ways. It is the first to connect climate action to charter rights. It is the first to legally challenge a government’s emissions target. And if it succeeds, it will be the first case in North America to force a government to meet higher emissions reduction targets than the ones it sets. "
Backed by environmental law charity Ecojustice and law firm Stockwoods LLP, the group of young people 👉 launched a lawsuit in 2019 in response to the Doug Ford government’s decision to cancel the cap-and-trade program. The program set limits on industrial greenhouse gas pollution, allowing companies to exceed it by purchasing emissions credits from others emitting below their limit. As part of the same legislation, the government set a provincial emissions reduction 👉 target of 37 per cent below 1990 levels by 2030."
Here are four takeaways.
. Who are the youth involved in the legal challenge?
Why did the youth lose in court the first time around?
. What did Ontario’s top court say about the case?
What do the youth hope to accomplish with their legal challenge?
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