"The Young Icefighter" is a Christmas game for children created with the "Shoot'em Construction Kit", for which the developer's eight-year-old son drew most of the graphics. Now a bonus level and level 4 have been added.
My photos from last night's #ChristmasEve Worship Service at Beacon Hill Church are online.
See the whole set here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nomad7674/albums/72177720322777005
#ChristmasEve #XMasEve #CandlelightService #CandlelightingService #Candles #Christmas #XMas #Church #BeaconHillChurch #BeaconHillMonroe
My photos from today's #SundayWorshipService at #BeaconHillChurch are online.
The full set can be found here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nomad7674/albums/72177720322737367/
#AdventService #FourthSundayOfAdvent #Christmas #Xmas #PraiseAndWorship #Church #BeaconHillChurch #BeaconHillMonroe #MonroeCT
Ich wünsche euch allen ein wundervolles und erholsames Weihnachtsfest sowie einen tollen Start ins nächste Jahr. Genießt es!
#fotografie #photography #weihnachten #christmas #xmas
#MoonLit offers a holiday benediction at this December new moon. May all of you know all the blessings of the season. The greatest gifts are a close-knit community and the love of friends and family. Gifts that cost so little and give so much.
#CreativeNonfiction #HolidayBlessings #Yule #Celebration #Solstice #xmas #wordsByTerryl
Adorable Christmas cupcakes at Big Y in Shelton, CT.
On the Ninth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me Nine Goanas Grazing
#Mastodon #Friday #12DaysOfChristmas #Christmas #XMas #Australia #Funny
#Headline "Drones Has Caused Their First Casualty"
We been warned about the dangers of ramped DRONES in the Skies. Well it has happened. A poor Floridian senior citizen just got arrested for causing $10,000 in damages just because he shot at a drone. It's so unfair. Why does he have to pay for the consequences of shooting at things he does not understand? Next there will be a law against shooting at ghosts on a foggy night. #JustSaying
Snow & Christmas Lights.
On the Eighth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me eight Pink Galahs.
#Mastodon #Thursday #12DaysOfChristmas #Christmas #XMas #Australia #Funny
A different perspective on our Christmas lights.
Male reindeer lose their antlers in winter and females don't, so Santa's sleigh is actually pulled by a team of women.
(It's #HootinTootinTuesday again! Post some jokes or funny memes under this hashtag today, and bring lots of smiles to #Mastodon.)
#Humor #Humour #FunnyMeme #Holidays #Christmas #ChristmasTree #Xmas #ChristmasMeme #ChristmasMemes #Santa #Reindeer #SantaClaus #HoHoHo #SaintNick #Rudolf #RudolfTheRedNoseReindeer
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me seven possums playing.
#Mastodon #Wednesday #12DaysOfChristmas #Christmas #XMas #Australia #Funny
Just putting this out there, but there's still time to get some nice #stargazing #books in time for #Xmas .. 🔭🌖📚 👍🏻 https://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Night-Sky-Enthusiasts-Series/dp/B0CLJW1ZYR#:~:text=The%20Night%20Sky%20Enthusiast%20Series,be%20something%20for%20you%20here..
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me six brolgas dancing.
#Mastodon #Tuesday #12DaysOfChristmas #Christmas #XMas #Australia #Funny
I took the opportunity of today's warm and dry weather to put out the rest of the Christmas lights. The yard feels even more festive now. :-)
There is a 25% sale on #Sonoff #NSPanel120 - so if you wanted to treat yourself this #Xmas, take a look at my review of the smart panel and add one to your basket! You deserve it