USS Langley (CV-1/AV-3) was the United States Navy’s first aircraft carrier, converted from the collier USS Jupiter Later converted to a seaplane tender On 27 February 1942, she was attacked by nine twin-engine Japanese bombers of the Japanese 21st and 23rd naval air flotillas and later scuttled by her escorts. USSLangley #USSLangleyCV1 #USSLangleyAV3 #USNavy #WW2 #MaritimeHistory #NavalHistory #WorldWar2 #WorldWarTwo #SecondWorldWar #AircraftCarrier #SeaplaneTender
USS Franklin (CV-13) in the Elizabeth River, off Norfolk, Virginia, 21 February 1944 #USSFranklinCV13 #USSFranklin #USNavy #USN #NavalHistory #aircraftcarrier #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #WWII #SecondWorldWar
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The Horten Ho 229 V3 with wings attached after capture by US forces during WW2 #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #aviation #fighter #fighterplane #HortenHo229 #jetfighter #Luftwaffe #Military #MilitaryHistory #SecondWorldWar #WorldWartwo #WW2
Bloch MB.177 French Bomber
To enable the use of Hispano-Suiza 12Y31 engines on the MB.174 airframe, the MB.177 incorporated redesigned engine mounts. The engines proved to be underpowered. The sole example was captured by German forces and taken to Rechlin for evaluation. #ReconnaissanceBomber #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #ArmeeDeLair #aviation #BlochMB177 #bomber #FrenchAirForce #Military #SecondWorldWar #warfare #WorldWartwo #WW2 #WWII
Bloch MB.176 French Bomber #ReconnaissanceBomber #aaerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #ArmeeDeLair #aviation #BlochMB176 #bomber #FrenchAirForce #Military #SecondWorldWar #warfare #WorldWartwo #WW2 #WWII
Bloch MB.174 French Reconnaissance Bomber #ReconnaissanceBomber #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #ArmeeDeLair #aviation #BlochMB174 #bomber #FrenchAirForce #Military #SecondWorldWar #warfare #WorldWartwo #WW2 #WWII
Completed on 14 May 1914, Giulio Cesare was a battleship built for the Regia Marina. #battleship #BattleshipGiulioCesare #GiulioCesare #ItalianBattleship #naval #NavalWarfare #Navy #RegiaMarina #SecondWorldWar #warship #WorldWartwo #military #warfare, #ship
Turkish Consolidated B-24 Liberator and Westland Lysander
Eleven Consolidated B-24 Liberator heavy bombers made emergency landings in Turkey after bombing Ploesti during Operation Tidal Wave. All of them were interned by Turkey and five were repaired and served in the Turkish Air Force #ConsolidatedB24Liberator #TurkishAirForce #TurkishB24 #B24Liberator #bomber #TurkishBomber #aviation #airplane #aeroplane #aircraft #WorldWarTwo #SecondWorldWar #OperationTidalWave
Bristol Beaufighter Mk XIC of 108 Sqn over Malta. #BristolBeaufighter #Beaufighter #fighter #plane #fighterplane #aeroplane #aircraft #airplane #aviation #aerialWarfare #RAF #RoyalAirForce #WorldWarTwo #WW2 #WWII #SecndWorldWar #military #warfare
Saukko was a Finnish submarine launched in 1930. Designed to operated from Lake Ladoga, her tonnage was limited to 100 tonnes by the Treaty of Tartu. During the Winter War (1939–1940) and the Continuation War (1941–1944), the submarine operated in the Gulf of Finland. #FinnishNavy #FinnishSubmarine #FinnishSubmarineSaukko #Military #naval #Navy #SecondWorldWar #Ship #submarine #SubmarineSaukko #submersible #warfare #warship #WorldWartwo #WW2 #WWII
Bloch MB.210 in Romanian Service
Romania ordered 24 Bloch 210s in 1938, eventually receiving between 10 and 20 from this order for the Royal Romanian Air Force (ARR). In early 1942 were withdrawn from frontline service and relegated to transport duties. #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #aviation#BlochMB210 #bomber #Military #RoyalRomanianAirForce #SecondWorldWar #warfare #WorldWartwo #WW2 #WWII
Bloch MB.210 in German Service
Following the German occupation of France, a number of MB.210 aircraft were operated briefly by the Luftwaffe for training. A small number were operated by Bulgaria and Romania, with Spain also receiving three aircraft. #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #ArmeeDeLair #aviation #BlochMB210 #bomber #FrenchAirForce #Military #Luftwaffe #SecondWorldWar #warfare #WorldWartwo #WW2 #WWII
Bristol Beaufighter Captured by Germany
During 1943, a Bristol Beaufighter was captured by German Forces and evaluated by the Luftwaffe. #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #aviation #Beaufighter #BristolBeaufighter #CapturedBeaufighter #fighter #fighterplane #Luftwaffe #SecondWorldWar #WorldWartwo #WW2 #WWII
The wreck of the USS Stewart, a U.S. Navy destroyer known as the “Ghost Ship of the Pacific,” has been rediscovered nearly 80 years after it was intentionally sunk during a post-World War II naval exercise. The ship, which served both the U.S. and Japanese navies during the war, was located 3,500 feet below the ocean’s surface...
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Bloch MB.480 Floatplane
Designed as a twin-engined torpedo-bomber/reconnaissance floatplane for the French Navy, the Bloch MB.480 first flew in June 1939. Although testing was successfully completed, the Navy had decided to use landplanes for its intended role. #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #AirForce #aviation #BlochMB480 #Floatplane #FrenchAirForce #Military #plane #SecondWorldWar #warfare #WorldWartwo
Bloch MB.700 Fighter The Bloch MB.700 was a light-weight fighter designed for the French Air Force. It used a wooden frame, to conserve strategic materials and a 700hp Gnome-Rhône 14 M6. First flying on 19 April 1940, it subsequently undertook a series of evaluation flights. #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #aviation #BlockMB700 #fighter #fighterplane #Military #plane #SecondWorldWar #warfare #WorldWartwo
The Bloch MB.135 bomber made its maiden flight on 12 January 1939 A development of the Bloch MB.131 it was designed as a medium bomber for the French Air Force Despite promising performance, it was not entered into production as it did not represent a sufficient improvement of existing bombers #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #aviation #BlochMB135 #bomber #FrenchAirForce #Military #plane #reconnaissanceaircraft #warfare #Luftwaffe #WorldWarTwo #SecondWorldWar
The Bloch MB.134 bomber made its maiden flight on 22 July 1939. A landing accident on 21 April 1940 resulted in seriously damage when a landing gear strut collapsed following the in-flight failure of a hydraulic fluid reservoir. With the fall of France it was not repaired and no further development took place.#aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #aviation #BlochMB134 #bomber #FrenchAirForce #Military #plane #reconnaissanceaircraft #warfare #Luftwaffe #WorldWarTwo #SecondWorldWar
Bloch MB.133 French Bomber Prototype
The Bloch MB.133 was a French bomber prototype based on the MB.131. It introduced a twin tail, and was powered by Hispano-Suiza 14 Aa radial engines. It proved inferior to more modern aircraft. It was converted to the MB 131 standard and handed over to the Air Force. #airplane #aviation #BlochMB133 #bomber #FrenchAirForce #Military #plane #reconnaissanceaircraft #warfare #Luftwaffe #WorldWarTwo #SecondWorldWar
Bloch MB.131 in German Service #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #aviation #BlochMB131 #bomber #FrenchAirForce #Military #plane #reconnaissanceaircraft #warfare #Luftwaffe #WorldWarTwo #SecondWorldWar
Bloch MB.131 French Bomber #aerialwarfare #aeroplane #Aircraft #airplane #aviation #BlochMB131 #bomber #FrenchAirForce #Military #plane #reconnaissanceaircraft #warfare #WorldWar2 #WorldWarTwo #SecondWrldWar #WW2