After these #supremacist #fascists #WhitePower
you voted for
will have finished persecuting #Asian #Latinos (#LGBTQ for the happiness of religious fanatics)
Who do you think will be the next target ?
(Keep in Mind these assholes you sent to power
>erased - #existential #rights - to THEIR OWN WOMEN (their mother wives daughters)
they downgraded them to Second Class people
What do you think they will do to YOU Colored ?
Citizens of 'third' class ?
Only One #Arrest After #Video Shows Several Neo-#Nazi #GangMembers #Attacking #MixedRace #Family In #Texas #River While Yelling ‘#WhitePower!’, #Report States.
One of the victims described how the #members of the “neo-nazi #gang” had “#swastika” #tattoos and “other #nazi #symbols” on their bodies.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Texas #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Racism #WhiteSupremacy #HateSpeech #Hatecrimes #BlackMastodon
ja. dit 👌🏽is een #hondenfluitje. het staat voor #WhitePower. en nee dat is binnen deze context ab so luut niet per ongeluk.
voor wie meer wil weten, @ChrisAalberts en ik maakten er een podcast over: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3YcDDHBY6PyNFD6pVgst1j #hoehetallemaalmisging
PS: er zijn meer #hondenfluitjes