Normally I do not post my nerd stuff on this account (for that I use @spiezmaestro), but this might be right up the alley of the mountain/outdoor community.: a self-hosted trail database for documenting your activities and sharing them in case you want).
Edit: for these ones who might think I created this wonderful piece of software, I'm not remotely capable in created such a thing myself. I came across it and will install in it my homelab.
#Wanderer #Hiking #Mountains #Outdoors #Selfhosting #Homelab
Made it to the famous Tisdrine serpentines, High Atlas Mountains, Morocco, N. Africa. #touring #cycletouring #cycling #wanderer #exploring #bicycle #bicycletouring #adventurecycling #cyclinglife #cyclingnomads #traveldiaries #biketouringforever #pedalpower #travelstories #travelbybike #bikewander #bikelife #biketouring #fromwhereiride #worldbycyclingù #worldbybike #pedaljourneys #humanpoweredadventures #neverstopexploring #biketocamp #worldbycycling