Why Canadian-trained doctors should be allowed to practise anywhere in Canada without additional licensing
#Canada #Healthcare #Doctors #MedicalLicensing #HealthPolicy #PhysicianShortage #UniversalHealthcare #PublicHealth #MedicalAccess #DoctorShortage
I stand corrected.
We received a bill for my husband's trip to the French public hospital ER.
That was early February, 6 hours there.
1 lab test.
1 electrocardiogram
1 brain scan
Total: 297.74 euros ($322.42).
I've put the detail in the alt-text.
That's the bill with NO insurance.
I'm pretty, pretty, pretty sure it's still way below what people would pay in the US.
#healthcare #insurance #UniversalHealthcare #health #travel #europe #er
"Bad thing in another country horrifies, driving support for the opposite at home"
I think it helped in #Germany
I think it will help in #Canada
So the fate of the #USA is to be an example of what poor #gunControl, no #universalHealthcare, and what an unchecked #plutocrat-#bigot #political axis does to a motherfucker:
Sane observant #citizens in other #democracies can avoid our fate
"Anti-#Trump sentiment drives dramatic upturn in fortunes for Canada’s #Liberals"
New server, new #Introduction
Greetings! I am a resident of the Pacific Northwest, USA. Currently surviving the mess in the US as best I can, so I occasionally drop an F-bomb. Sorry, not sorry.
#HealthcareIsAHumanRight #UniversalHealthcare #Medicare4All #MedicareForAll #ProChoice #BansOffOurBodies #BlackLivesMatter #ReparationsNow #AntiWar #NoWar #NoJusticeNoPeace #TransLivesMatter #HousingIsAHumanRight #ClimateChangeIsReal #ClimateChange #AntiFascist #COVIDIsNotOver
Like in the #maga movement #LuigiMagione has inflamed a misplaced rage against the CEOS of #Healthcare corps
They ARE NOT the cause of the problem
They are symptoms of a bad (For Profit) system
I believe in the #FreeEnterprise system
It just has no place in the delivery of proper #universalHealthcare
How Often Do Health Insurers Say No to Patients? No One Knows.
Insurers’ denial rates — a critical measure of how reliably they pay for customers’ care — remain mostly secret to the public. Federal and state regulators have done little to change that.
#Healthcare #HealthInsurance #UnitedHealthcare #CEO #FreeLuigi #FreeLuigiMangione #SinglePayer #UniversalHealthcare #USHealthcare #GuillotinesWork #Regulation
We won't tell you how much anything is in our for profit system. You will have NO idea how much any procedure or surgery will be. We'll offer you tylenol in the hospital but won't tell you it's $15. Because of the Sacklers people can't get real pain medication anymore. Of course you have to do a course of physical therapy with a slipped disc. That will fix it. You can only talk about 2 things when you get an appt with your GP, who is NOT a doctor. Make another appt.
25% of hospitals and healthcare networks are #Catholic run. Many people don't have a choice if they want to stay in network.
We pay more than any other country to get shitty healthcare, be in more pain, be disabled earlier, die younger, and have our rights taken.
#DeathPanels #AIDeathPanels
#CEOs automate your denials, suffering, disability, and death.
It's all a con.
We want #UniversalHealthcare like civilized countries.
How much of your #Healthcare DOLLAR goes towards corporate profits (shareholder & CEO salaries) and promotional costs (TV & internet commercials, promotional trips etc) ??
In countries with #universalHealthcare (Universal Healthcare) all those costs are saved making quality Healthcare more affordable
Qasim Rashid's article debunking every right-wing talking point about #universalhealthcare is fantastic.
"top internet sleuths refuse to solve #UnitedHealthcare #CEO’s murder"
thatdaneshguy: ‘I don’t have to encourage violence. I don’t have to condone violence by any means. But I also don’t have to help’
Savannah Sparks, asked if she is on the case: ‘Absolutely the f**k not’
TizzyEnt: ‘I have yet to see anyone online posting “we gotta find this guy, we gotta get him off the street”'
let's translate the sentiment to the positive: #universalhealthcare.
And fewer people would list to Group 2, if we didn’t have a system where people weren’t screwed over on a daily basis by multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies and a multi-trillion-dollar healthcare industry.
#capitalism #postCapitalism #universalHealthCare #peopleBeforeProfit https://qoto.org/@medigoth/113519695162979128
Again, America ranks last in healthcare. Until we demand the only solution, nothing will change.
America ranks last in healthcare among industrialized countries. We should be ashamed that the richest country in the world is this bad at keeping its citizens healthy. #MedicareForAll #SinglePayerHealthcare #UniversalHealthcare
Ya know, we're told we can't have universal healthcare because of long wait times, but these days
- primary doctors can't do same day appointments
- urgent care requires an appointment >24 hours most of the time
- ERs have day long wait times unless you're literally dying right that second
It seems like we have the worst combo: high costs AND long waits
#healthcare #universalhealthcare #medicare4all #doctorsoffice
Literally the *only* story I'm going to share about the goddamn Olympics:
U.S. Rugby player Ariana Ramsey found out athletes get free healthcare in the Olympic Village and immediately booked a bunch of appointments for routine services many Americans living under our dystopian private healthcare regime simply can't afford:
"Like, what?” she said in a post on TikTok describing her new discovery: The Olympic Village offers free healthcare.
The United States, of course, does not. So in the days following her victory, Ramsey made appointments with the Village gynecologist, dentist and ophthalmologist. According to the Paris 2024 organizing committee, the Village also offers cardiology, orthopedics, physiotherapy, psychology, podiatry and, of course, sports medicine—all at no cost to the athletes. (Paralympic athletes will also have access to dermatology.)"
The best part of the story is that Ramsey not only convinced a bunch of other U.S. Athletes to take advantage of the program, but after realizing how beneficial having access to free healthcare is, she's decided to become an advocate for Universal Healthcare in America.
On a personal level and as someone who has spent time in multiple countries that offer free healthcare to their citizens, I honestly cannot stress how much it improves not only health outcomes, but also quality of life for labor class people; from increasing your lifespan, to freeing workers from dependence on bad employers just to keep their health insurance, this is one social policy that has ripples throughout almost every aspect of the lives of everyday people. And it says a LOT about the priorities of the American ruling class that they'd do almost anything to keep you from having access to universal healthcare.
While some athletes have raved about the muffins and others have complained about the cardboard beds, some American Olympians are taking advantage of the free healthcare. Team USA rugby player Ariana Ramsey didn't just get a bronze medal in Paris — she's had a pap smear, X-ray, teeth cleaning, and an eye test. She's posted about this on TikTok, influenced other athletes in the Village to visit medical professionals, and now plans to fight for universal healthcare in the U.S. Here's more from Sports Illustrated.
#CoriBush lost like #Bowman because she betrayed the left so they didn't come out for her.