Donald Trump taps TV personality Dr. Mehmet Oz to lead Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Oz would lead one of the federal government's largest agencies. It operates or oversees health care programs that provide coverage to about half of all Americans, including Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the Affordable Care Act marketplace exchange.
#MAGAthreattodemocracy #TrumpRegime #TrumpFascist #trumpdisaster
Trump is once again making a mockery of our country. Trump picks Kristi Noem to run homeland security department
Ding bat #FascistKristiNoem is the
South Dakota governor, who controversially admitted shooting her dog, and who falsely claimed she visited North Korean dictator Kim Jong Yun to "stare down a dictator in the face" She also stated Texas was one of the original thirteen colonies.
#TrumpFascist #TrumpChaosPolitik
At rallies for Trump and Harris, it was hard to know who was less authentic
Trump promises money in your pocket. To supporters in worn-out shoes and old jackets, that mattered. Harris spoke about ‘joy’, but you cannot tell people how to feel
#TrumpFascist #KamalaHarris
Ben Wittes: Americans Elected a Serial Criminal to Be President #tRump #trumpIsACriminal #SerialCriminal #TrumpLies #TrumpFascist #TrumpIsUnfitForOffice #Fascism #Criminal
MeidasTouch contributor Anthony Davis explains how the election swung away from Democrats as Trump’s infectious and toxic masculinity filtered through to voters who might have feared a loss of control under a female President. Plus, the infiltration of oligarchs in our leadership, led by Putin himself. #TrumpKompromot. #TrumpFascist #DementiaDon #FascistJusticeAlito
Oh je, ich leide so mit mit den queeren Menschen in den USA, die jetzt so viel Angst haben. Ihnen steht das Entsetzen ins Gesicht geschrieben.
Om det inte genomförs en ordentlig utredning kring valet och röstfusk så är det en skandal. Kolla samtliga källor. Ryssar, Latinomaffian, immigrerade Turkar o.s.v. #TrumpFascist
Right on #TrumpFascist
Trump: ‘I Need the Kind of Generals That Hitler Had’
The Republican nominee’s preoccupation with dictators, and his disdain for the American military, is deepening.
#MAGANaziParty #TrumpFascist
'Suspension of the Constitution, deportations, evisceration of the media. If you’re missing the similarity to 1930s Germany at this point it can only be through wilful blindness.' #Trump #TrumpFascist #LockHimUp #Harris #TrumpCrimeSyndicate #election2024 #MAGAcrazies #USA,18876