#ISLE 2025, #Asia’s premier #Smart #Display & #Integrated #System #exhibition, is set to take place from March 7-9, 2025, at the #Shenzhen #World Exhibition & #Convention #Center (SHENZHEN WORLD). As Asia's largest display #event, ISLE 2025 will feature over 1,000 #exhibitors #showcasing cutting-edge display #technologies, #LED #innovations, and integrated AV #solutions.
[#TRADESHOW] The #International #Smart #Display and #Integrated #System #Exhibition (#ISLE 2025) will take place from March 7 to 9, 2025, at the #Shenzhen #World Exhibition & #Convention #Center, #China. As #Asia’s #leading #trade #fair for display #technology and audio-visual #systems, ISLE 2025 spans 80,000 sq.m and features 1,000+ #exhibitors #showcasing cutting-edge #innovations in #LED #displays, #signage, and integrated AV #solutions.
[#TRADESHOW] The #International #Smart #Display and #Integrated #System #Exhibition (#ISLE 2025) will take place from March 7 to 9, 2025, at the #Shenzhen #World Exhibition & #Convention #Center, #China. As #Asia’s #leading #trade #fair for display #technology and audio-visual #systems, ISLE 2025 spans 80,000 sq.m and features 1,000+ #exhibitors #showcasing cutting-edge #innovations in #LED #displays, #signage, and integrated AV #solutions.
#ISLE 2025, #Asia’s premier #Smart #Display & #Integrated #System #exhibition, is set to take place from March 7-9, 2025, at the #Shenzhen #World Exhibition & #Convention #Center (SHENZHEN WORLD). As the largest #event of its kind in Asia, ISLE 2025 will feature over 1,000 #exhibitors across 80,000 square meters, #showcasing cutting-edge display #technologies, #LED #innovations, and integrated AV #solutions.
I wrote a new blog post about DNS (part 1)!
Learn how DNS works in more depth and I even provide you will some useful terminal commands you can try yourself:
#dns #security #linux #unbound #bind #linux #recursive authoritative# server #nsd #dig #zone #domain #name #system
#ISLE 2025, #Asia’s premier #Smart #Display & #Integrated #System #exhibition, from March 7-9, 2025, at the #Shenzhen #World Exhibition & #Convention #Center. As the largest #event of its kind in Asia, ISLE 2025 will feature over 1,000 #exhibitors across 80,000 square meters, #showcasing cutting-edge display #technologies, #LED #innovations, and integrated AV #solutions.
[#TRADESHOW] The #International #Smart #Display and #Integrated #System #Exhibition (#ISLE 2025) from March 7 to 9, 2025, at the #Shenzhen #World Exhibition & #Convention #Center, #China. As #Asia’s #leading #trade #fair for display #technology and audio-visual #systems, ISLE 2025 features 1,000+ #exhibitors #showcasing cutting-edge #innovations in #LED #displays, #signage, and AV #solutions.
#Bitcoin belongs to everyone. No matter who you are. Bitcoin doesn't care about your name, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, backwardness, wealth, whatever. Bitcoin is easier to use, more accessible and unrestricted compared to big banks and states around the world. The deteriorating financial system is mostly for the #benefit of the bigs and the oppressors but we cannot opt out of it all, but let the #parallel #financial #system be applied in a spirit of our #real #freedom.
Life as an #autopoietic #system - Attempt of a #structure-#realistic elucidation -
Part 2 "#Theories of #evolution in a #structural #realist view"
For this purpose I would like to describe first of all the initial problem in the #Darwinian #theory of evolution, which can be regarded as an example of the "#underdetermination of #empirical theories by the #evidence" (Bas van Fraassen).
Leben als #autopoietisches #System - Versuch einer #strukturenrealistischen #Aufklärung -
Teil 2 "#Evolutionstheorien in einer #strukturenrealistischen #Betrachtung"
Zu diesem Zwecke möchte ich zunächst einmal das Ausgangsproblem in der #Darwinschen #Evolutionstheorie beschreiben, die als Beispiel für die "#Unterdeterminiertheit #empirischer #Theorien durch die #Evidenz" (Bas van Fraassen) gelten kann.
Life as an #Autopoietic #System - Attempt of a #Structural #Realistic #Enlightenment - Part 1
The project pursues the ambitious goal of the #self-#organization of #life as an #autopoietic #system, but in the sense of a demarcation from the "tertium non datur" of classical #systems #theory (George #spencerbrown Niklas #Luhmann) as a "#difference" of "#system vs. #environment or of "inside vs. outside".
More at:
Leben als #autopoietisches #System - Versuch einer #strukturenrealistischen #Aufklärung - Teil 1
Das Projekt verfolgt das ehrgeizige Ziel die #Selbstorganisation des #Lebens zwar als #autopoietisches #System, aber im Sinne einer Abgrenzung zum "tertium non datur" der klassischen #Systemtheorie (George #spencerbrown Niklas #Luhmann) als "#Differenz" von "#System vs. #Umwelt oder von "innen vs. außen" zu betreiben.
Mehr auf:
#Künstliche #Intelligenz (#KI)
- Das #System braucht neue #Strukturen -
Konstruktion 3
3. Grundthese: Der Strukturwandel der vermeintlichen "Objektivität" in eine "Kybernetik 2. Ordnung" und
4. Grundthese: Der Strukturwandel vom Dualismus in eine "Polykontexturalität"
Dieser Artikel stellt die "3. Konstruktion" meines gesamten Essays "Das System braucht neue Strukturen – nicht nur für/gegen die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)" dar.
Mehr auf:
#Künstliche #Intelligenz (#KI)
- Das #System braucht neue #Strukturen -
Konstruktion 2
Dieser Artikel stellt die "2. Konstruktion" meines gesamten Essays dar und bildet den Abschluss zur Trilogie der "Wissenschaftstheorie".
1. Grundthese: Der Strukturwandel von der Disziplinarität in eine Interdisziplinarität und
2. Grundthese: Der Strukturwandel vom Reduktionismus in einen Holismus
#Artificial #intelligence (#AI) - The #system needs new #structures -
Construction 2
This article represents "Construction 2" of my entire essay "The system needs new structures - not only for / against Artificial Intelligence (AI)" and forms the conclusion to the trilogy of "#Theory of #science
1. Basic thesis: The #structural #change from #disciplinarity to #interdisciplinarity and
2. Basic thesis: The structural change from #reductionism to #holism
#Künstliche #Intelligenz (#KI) - Das #System braucht neue #Strukturen -
„Ich dachte, die ganze Idee der starken KI ist, dass wir nicht wissen müssen wie das Gehirn funktioniert, um zu wissen wie der Verstand funktioniert.“
Konstruktion 1
Dies ist die "Konstruktion 1" meines Essays "Das System braucht neue Strukturen – nicht nur für/gegen die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)" und bildet den Abschluss zur Trilogie der "Wissenschaftstheorie" (
#Artificial #intelligence (#AI)
- The #system needs #new #structures -
"I thought the whole idea of strong AI is that we don't have to know how the brain works in order to know how the mind works." )
Construction 1
This is "Construction 1" of my entire essay "The system needs new structures - not only for/against Artificial Intelligence (AI)" and forms the conclusion to the trilogy of "philosophy of science" (
More at:
There’s no easy way to defeat #fascism within a #capitalist #economy and #bourgeois #electoral #system.
Sitting in a #livingroom cursing the #television won’t make it #goaway. #History shows fascists won’t stop unless met by #opposition.
That means #organizing—getting up and hitting the streets.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Politics #Activism #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews
“UN finds Israel committing 'war of extermination' by destroying Gaza's health system”
by The Cradle News Desk
“The UN Commission of Inquiry for the occupied Palestinian territories issued a report on 10 October, finding that Israel has sought to destroy Gaza's health care system as part of a war of extermination on Palestinians.”
#Press #Gaza #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #Terrorism #WarCrimes #Hamas #Extermination #Health #System
“Britain's diabolical multi-tier justice system”
by Another Angry Voice on Substack
“How is it right that the Norton Motorcycles fraudster who stole £14 million in pension funds gets no jail time, while violent rioters get less prison time than peaceful environmental protesters?”
#Britain #TwoTier #Justice #System #Riots #FarRight #Sentencing #Establishment #Press
She '#sarcastically' said #President #BarackObama should be #killed. Now she wants to #control #kids' #education.
When Morrow ran for #schoolboard in 2022, she referred to #publicschools as '#indoctrination #centers.' Now she wants to #control #NorthCarolina's #education #system as #statesuperintendent
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #RepublicanParty #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews