Wait, what, #MarkRutte, head of #NATO, asks ** #Selensky ** to go find ways to talk with the Chief Oligarch again‽
I think he's mixing something up there, and I had expected better of a European politician.
Any #Dutch constituents want to give him a piece of their mind ...?
Clip of commentator "Jesse" on Fox News explains what we the world needs to know:
"We run the world. This is America's world. He's our prox. This ends, when we say it ends. It doesn't end when Selenskyj –" [clip ends here]
Unfassbar! Wie kann man diesem Mann die Weltpolitik anvertrauen, geschweige denn das Atomwaffenarsenal der USA?! Heute so, morgen so ...
Das hört sich noch viel schlimmer an als die Gedächtnisprobleme unseres scheidenden Kanzlers. 😂