I can't believe it has already been 4 years since the Perseverance rover landed on Mars!
The rover was equipped with six engineering camera that captured more than 26.000 images during the landing!
This thread contains some of my favorites:
I can't believe it has already been 4 years since the Perseverance rover landed on Mars!
The rover was equipped with six engineering camera that captured more than 26.000 images during the landing!
This thread contains some of my favorites:
#Perseverance has now gone back to South Arm, where it had been 48 Sols ago, apparently to examine the rocks there more closely.
Map drawn with #QGIS
Processed, undistorted, leveled, cropped NAVCAM_LEFT
looking NW (324°) from RMC 67.0634
Sol 1407, LMST: 13:27:29
Credit: #NASA/JPL-Caltech/65dBnoise
Lac de Charmes
It's French, it's lovely, it's the name of Perseverance's future science target.
It's named after a reservoir of the "Canal entre Champagne et Bourgogne", quite a program! 🥂🤝🍷
#Mars #Champagne #Bourgogne #LacDeCharmes #canal #rover #Perseverance #PerseveranceRover #NorthernRimCampaign #space #science #research #news #STEM #Mars2020 #French #France #geology
After several months of climbing up the steep slopes of the Jezero crater rim, Perseverance has reached the top!
The afternoon sun provides a spectacular view on landscape which the rover will explore soon!
Full panorama: https://www.360cities.net/image/marsrover-perseverance-navcam-sol-1354
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Simeon Schmauß
Another beautiful Martian vista, made out of just a small segment of a larger, 80-images mosaic, captured yestersol by Perseverance from the Pico Turquino outlook, somewhere on the slopes of the rim of Jezero Crater.
#Mars Nov. 23, 2024 (Sol 1337)
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
#Perseverance #rover #Sol1337 #PicoTurquino #SummerlandTrail #space #PerseveranceRover #Astrodon #science #geology #Mastcam #photography #STEM #Mars2020 #solarocks #rocks #landscape #RimCampaign #Martian #RimScience
Well, this sucks. But I’m still able to use the game pad, so at least I’ll still have something to do during recovery. #Perseverance #Gaming
New location for #Perseverance on Sol 1324, RMC 61.3612 (data from thumbnail GeoJSON).
The orientation of the rover is interesting: it's turned toward the east, either to achieve a better geometry for telecomms, or … to go on another detour to that outcrop 150m ESE?
The maps were made with #QGIS
"Never give up." #Perseverance #NeverGiveUp #Inspiration #Strength
Phobos is back!
This is a transit of Mars' moon Phobos across the Sun, as seen by the Perseverance rover, eight hours ago.
#Mars Sep. 30, 2024 (Sol 1285)
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
#Perseverance #Phobos #Sun #transit #Sol1285 #PerseveranceRover #rover #nasa #planet #planets #moon #moons #astronomy #astrodon #space #science #research #STEM #photography #astrophotography #news #spacenews #Mars2020
Explore the vast mosaic captured yesterday by the Perseverance rover, travelling from Bright Angel to Kodiak Butte, and stopping by some never-seen-before features in the fan-shaped delta. Pump up the volume to enjoy the sound of the Martian wind!
#Mars Sep. 28, 2024 (Sol 1282)
Credits images: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
🎙 Sol 4 recording by SuperCam; Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/CNRS/ISAE-Supaero
#Perseverance #rover #Sol1282 #PerseveranceRover #space #Astrodon #science #STEM #JezeroCrater
The look of this outcrop. Wild!
Captured 24 hours ago by Perseverance on the slopes of the crater rim.
#Mars Sep. 13, 2024 (Sol 1268)
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
#Perseverance #rover #Sol1268 #Mastcam #geology #space #Astrodon #PerseveranceRover #Solarocks #rock #rocks #Jezero #crater #JezeroCrater
incomplete yet beautiful mosaic captured yesterday by Perseverance from her new vantage point
#Mars Sep. 11, 2024 (Sol 1266)
Credit images: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
#Perseverance #rover #Sol1266 #Mastcam #mosaic #geology #space #Astrodon #PerseveranceRover #Solarocks #Jezero #crater #JezeroCrater
We haven't been blessed with new landscape mosaics from Perseverance lately, so here is an old one, revisited with the beautiful color treatment of the Mastcam-Z team at Arizona State University. The rover is currently climbing the higher mountain behind those yonder hills...
#Perseverance #Mars #Sol1168 #RedPlanet #MastcamZForAll #rover #PerseveranceRover #NeretvaVallis #Neretva #valley #space #Astrodon #science #Martian #landscape #images #mosaic #STEM
Today's poem:
Ode to Aging Bodies
- by Jan Mandell
#age #JanMandell #poetry #bodies #ailments #perseverance #enduring #vitality
Memories remain long after all water has drained out
(By poetic license. See alt text)
Processed, leveled MCZ_RIGHT, FL: 110mm
looking WSW (257°) from RMC 56.3438
Sol 1239, LMST: 10:52:47
Credit: #NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/65dBnoise
Beautiful Martian landscape, captured yesterday by the Perseverance rover, from its current location at Serpentine Rapids
#Mars August 9, 2024 (Sol 1234)
Credit images: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
#Perseverance #rover #Sol1234 #SerpentineRapids #PerseveranceRover #NeretvaVallis #space #Astrodon #science #STEM #engineering #geology #NASA
Looks like we have the makings of a rather nice selfie from Perseverance rover. The full image set is currently being downlinked from Mars. Here's a quick and dirty mosaic roughly assembled using a selection of the available SHERLOC WATSON images.
The images were taken on July 24, 2024 (Sol 1218).
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
#Solarocks #Space #Mars #Rover #Perseverance #rock #samplereturn #Selfie
Look at this beautiful Martian skyline.
This rather unique mosaic was captured by Perseverance on her way to the Bright Angel site, June 8, 2024 (Sol 1174). It went under the radar as the transmission of the images was delayed.
High resolution version: https://flic.kr/p/2q5Ss7N
#Mars #Perseverance #rover #Sol1174 #BrightAngel #outcrop #RedPlanet #Mastcam #MastcamZ #camera #image #skyline #mosaic #NeretvaVallis #MastcamZForAll #space #Astrodon #science #STEM #engineering #geology
Zooming in on a peculiar white rock in Neretva Vallis
This is a combination of three SuperCam RMI images and one Mastcam-Z image taken by the #Perseverance mars rover.
The images were taken two days ago on Sol 1164.
Full resolution: https://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/234928
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/LANL/CNES/IRAP/Simeon Schmauß
Earlier today, the Perseverance rover captured a high resolution image of the Ingenuity using the SuperCam RMI instrument.
One rotor blade is broken off completely, the others have damaged tips.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/LANL/CNES/IRAP/Simeon Schmauß
#ThanksIngenuity #MarsHelicopter #NASA #Perseverance #Mars #Solarocks
Perseverance has moved forward to close-in with the big frowning boulder...
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
#ingenuity #mars #perseverance #rover #ValinorHills #frowning #boulder #frowningboulder #rock #sand #dunes #jezero #crater #jezerocrater #astronomy #astrodon #space #science #engineering #STEM #nasa #jpl #image #photography #news