Today is Bisexuality Day!
Isabelle Monday is canonically bi #PandorasTale #PandorasTaleWiki #ComicsByXan #MediaWiki #Miraheze #IsabelleMonday #BisexualityDay
Notice something new on the Pandora's Tale Wiki Wiki home page?
That's right, we have a poll!
Inspired by polls on Super Mario Wiki, we will periodically ask you, the readers, assorted questions about the Pandora's Tale-verse! When the poll concludes, it will be replaced by another poll, and the results will be moved to the new Poll Archive page.
This new feature is thanks to @BlankEclair and @avghelper . Awhile back, I started whining on Miraheze Discord and Rainverse Matrix that there were inadequate polling options available on Miraheze. In response to my whining, Claire made a whole new MediaWiki extension, and Average Helper and Claire did the hard work to get it installed on Miraheze.
I'm also ready to preemptively announce plans for the Pandora's Tale Volume 2 Character Tournament. The character tournament will ask you to vote for your favorite character in a series of matches, with winning characters advancing to the next round until only one remains. The tournament will not begin until all chapters from Volume 2 are released, but when it does, you'll be able to vote directly from the wiki home page!
#PandorasTale #PandorasTaleWiki #ComicsByXan #MediaWiki #Miraheze #Poll #PandorasTaleCharacterTournament #PandorasTaleCharacterTournament2
Two years ago, I founded Pandora's Tale Wiki. At the time, I didn't know if I would maintain it for two months, let alone two years.
In our first year, there was almost no new Pandora's Tale content: just six single-panel preview images. In our second year, Xan has given us three entire new chapters. Hence, I had the pleasure of updating the wiki with new content as it was released.
Aside from the new content, a lot has happened in the past year. Shortly after our previous anniversary, we moved from a subdomain of Miraheze to our own domain:, while remaining with Miraheze as a host. Fandom also removed the abandoned copy of our wiki that they hosted.
In November, we co-founded the Webcomic Independent Wiki List, a list of independent and ethically-hosted wikis about webcomics. The list has since moved to its own page separate from the wiki. We currently list eight awesome wikis about webcomics, including @rainversewiki , which I am also involved with.
In January, we participated in the inaugural Indie Wiki Jam, organized by Square Enix Independent Wiki Alliance. The event saw us get an all-time record of four unique editors in a single month, breaking our previous record of three unique editors in September 2022. While our wiki remains small and I remain the most active contributor, I am thrilled to see newcomers make their first edits.
Around the time of the jam, Mojeek and Stract search engines both indexed our main page. Both search engines found our site organically, as neither accepts site submissions.
What comes next? Aside from coverage of new canon content, the home page of our wiki will soon(ish) have polls. Also, stay tuned for more information about the Pandora's Tale Character Tournament 2. We also have plenty of refactoring and article revamping to do.
Thanks to everymany who visited or edited the wiki in the past two years, and special thanks to @comicsbyxan , without whom none of this would be possible.
Let's have a great Year 3.
#PandorasTale #PandorasTaleWiki #Miraheze #MediaWiki #ComicsByXan #WCIWL #SEIWA #IWJ #IndieWikiJam
It still feels really weird to me that the Stract search engine has indexed since 2023 December 17, but they still haven't indexed despite @MinecraftWikiEN being a way bigger and more popular wiki.
Stract doesn't allow site submissions, and I'm not sure how their crawler found our site, or why it hasn't found Minecraft Wiki yet.
Also, they have yet to index, the actual source material for the wiki. What does my fan site have over Xan's actual official comic site?
#PandorasTale #PandorasTaleWiki #ComicsByXan #Search #SearchEngine #Stract #StractSearch #MinecraftWiki
Please welcome our newest character to Pandora's Tale Wiki:
#PandorasTale #PandorasTaleWiki #Webcomic #Webcomics #WebcomicWiki #ComicWiki #MediaWiki #Wiki #IndieWiki #WikisWorld
The final page of Pandora's Tale Chapter 10 is now available to the public for free!
On the wiki front, our article for Chapter 10 is in good shape:,_Part_2
We still need to make articles for the nine new characters who appeared in this chapter. We also need to add new information from the latest chapter to many existing articles:
In the past, most chatpers have been followed by lengthy hiatuses. This time, though Xan is going to start releasing Chapter 11: The Night Shift, tomorrow. We at Pandora's Tale Wiki will strive to catch up on new info from Chapter 10 while also covering Chapter 11 accurately and quickly. #PandorasTale #PandorasTaleWiki #Webcomic #Webcomics #WebcomicWiki #ComicWiki #MediaWiki #Wiki #IndieWiki #WikisWorld
Pandora's Tale Wiki Chapter 10 is here! We at Pandora's Tale Wiki will aim for comprehensive coverage during and shortly after the chapter's release. #PandorasTale #PandorasTaleWiki #Webcomic #Webcomics #WebcomicWiki #ComicWiki #MediaWiki #Wiki #IndieWiki #WikisWorld
Huh, Marginalia says our site is similar to
a)Dragon Quest Wiki
b)Hard Drop Tetris Wiki
c)Metroid Wiki
Hard Drop Tetris Wiki and Metroid Wiki are both really cool sites that I'm happy to be associated with.
By contrast, Dragon Quest Wiki is run by a bigot. Please do not use that site even if you like Dragon Quest. #PandorasTale #PandorasTaleWiki #Webcomic #Webcomics #WebcomicWiki #ComicWiki #MediaWiki #Wiki #IndieWiki #WikisWorld