"Pakistan has called for 'unwavering and wholehearted' global commitment to ensuring gender equality, the empowerment of women and the implementation of anti-poverty Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)."
#Pakistan #UN #UnitedNations #WomensOpportunities #SDGs
US targets 41 countries for travel curbs ranging from Iran to Pakistan: memo #Afghanistan #Conflicts #Cuba #Eritrea #haiti #Iran #Libya #Myanmar #NorthKorea #Pakistan #PresidentDonaldTrump #SouthSudan #Syria #Turkmenistan #USSecretaryOfStateMarcoRubio #Yemen
What is the Baluch Liberation Army? @AssociatedPress has more on the militant group in Pakistan that took train passengers hostage.
#Pakistan #Baluch #BLA #Train #Rebels #Insurgents
🇵🇰#Pakistan. Armata a eliberat sute de persoane luate ostatice marți, după ce un grup de rebeli a deturnat un tren, în regiunea Belucistan. Totuși, 60 de persoane au fost executate și 10 militari au murit în schimbul de focuri.
Do you know about ROBIN HOOD ARMY!?
It's an organization that accepts no money and feeds the poor people through, fit to eat leftover food and also other resources.
Working in 13 countries currently.
#India #Pakistan #Malaysia #Nepal #Srilanka
#Nigeria #Uganda #Zambia #Bahrain #Bangladesh #Botswana #Indonesia #Guinea
• No funds ✨
• Apolitical ✨
• Non-Religious ✨
Boost to spread this movement! ✊☮️
#MutualAid #robinhoodarmy #apolitical #anarchist
#atheist #atheism #nofunds #zerofunds #volunteer #volunteering #Community #abolishmoney #feedthepoor #foodwastage #climatechange #Freeeconomy #resourcebasedeconomy #rbe #ubi #gifteconomy #openaccesseconomy #freeworld #eattherich #tradelesssociety #moneylesssociety #humanity
12 morți și 30 de răniți în 🇵🇰#Pakistan, după un atentat sinucigaș la o bază militară.
Parte dintre victime, civili care locuiau în apropiere.
Acoperișul unei moschei s-a prăbușit în timpul slujbei.
Atacul, revendicat de un grup afiliat talibanilor.
Cel puțin 6 civili, dintre care 3 copii, au fost uciși într-un atac sinucigaș contra de la armata în 🇵🇰#Pakistan.
started a #wikipedia article on German-born American anthropologist Hanna Kaiser Papanek (1927-2017); as a child she moved to Czechoslovakia, France, and New York to flee the Nazis. She sailed from Lisbon to New York City on the SS Nyassa in December 1940; the ship full of refugees was under distress on arrival. She earned a PhD at Harvard, and studied women's lives in Pakistan in the 1950s, Indonesia in the 1970s. @wikiwomeninred #Pakistan #Indonesia #purdah
Sute de mii de oameni dintr-o provincie 🇵🇰#Pakistaneză vor rămâne fără apă potabilă, dacă programul USAID se oprește definitiv.
O fată de 13 ani din 🇵🇰#Pakistan a fost ucisă de familia pentru care lucra ca servitoare pentru că ar fi furat ciocolată.
The girls playing #football in remote #Pakistan
> Anna Huix’s photographs capture a tournament that triumphed against the odds.
An interesting look at the troubled economy of #Pakistan
Trump's decision to suspend all foreign aid has instantly changed the world and placed millions of people at risk. People like me who have dedicated our lives to helping people, relied on this aid but now we find ourselves without a job.
With the USA retreating from the Human Rights Agenda, others will follow.
#trump #ForeignAid #USAID #DevelopmentSector #GlobalSouth #Pakistan #paktodon
Jurnaliștii din 🇵🇰#Pakistan au protestat în marile orașe împotriva legii de reglementare a social media.
Pakistan is currently grappling with an alarming drought during the winter season, with rainfall significantly lower than in previous years. Traditionally, the regions of Galiyat, Malika-e-Kohsar Murree, and the northern areas are blanketed in snow by this time, but this year, they remain barren
rainfall over the past three months has been critically scarce, raising serious concerns about the country’s climate patterns and environmental stability
Un bărbat 🇵🇰#Pakistanez a fost condamnat la 30 de ani închisoare pentru tentativă de omor împotriva a două persoane, despre care credea că sunt angajați ai revistei Charlie Hebdo.
Redacția de satiră a fost masacrată în 2015.
O companie aeriană 🇵🇰#Pakistaneză prezintă scuze după o reclamă cu un avion care se îndreaptă spre Turnul Eiffel.
Fostul premier 🇵🇰#Pakistanez Imran Khan, condamnat la 14 ani de închisoare într-un nou dosar de corupție.
Un avion în fața Turnului Eiffel, controversă pe tema unei reclame 🇵🇰#Pakistan Airlines.
#PrimMinistrulPakistanului, Shehbaz Sharif, a ordonat o anchetă.
„Creierul” atacurilor de la Turnurile Gemene a fost arestat în 🇵🇰#Pakistan, în 2003.
🇵🇰🇺🇸The United States accused #Pakistan of developing long- range ballistic missiles and announced new sanctions on four Pakistani entities involved with the development of those systems, write Kelsey Davenport and Daryl Kimball in the news section of Arms Control Today.
Analysing a #Pakistan government AI "lobby group" based in DC, staffed by imaginaries and dead people. #USBasesOut