#medieval #middleages #medievalwoman #bling #reenactment
#medieval #middleages #medievalwoman #bling #reenactment
Ten Medieval Megaprojects That Shaped the World https://www.medievalists.net/2024/09/ten-medieval-megaprojects/ #MiddleAges
500-year-old Transylvanian diaries reveal how the Little Ice Age shaped life and death
Researchers in Romania have delved into centuries-old documents to grasp how climate fluctuations in the 16th century impacted Transylvania, an area that’s now part of Romania...
More information: https://archaeologymag.com/2025/02/transylvanian-diaries-little-ice-age/
Follow @archaeology
#archaeology #archeology #archaeologynews #anthropology #middleages #littleiceage #transylvania
The defender
I am always impressed by the high quality in which history is presented in England.
A very good example of this is Battle!
August 2024
#ruins #ruine #ruin #ruinen #battle #hastings #WilliamtheConqueror #king #battlefield #normans #kingharold #harold #history #geschichte #englishheritage #museum #england #uk #gb #abbey #monochrome #photography #fotografie #Mittelalter #medieval #MiddleAges #knight #Ritter #sculpture #Skulptur
Did you know that in the early #MiddleAges, the opposite of white wasn't black?
Our #colour perception & association aren't universal, culturally or by time.
An interesting example of this is #chess.
When the game came to #Europe, the sides were red and white: white is wisdom & innocence, red is war & intrigue.
#Medieval #knights in literature were also colour-coded.
White was the wise, older one, red the evil, otherwordly foe.
A black knight wanted to hide who they were.
#MedievalWomen exhibition BOOK "Medieval Women: Voices & Visions" is available from the #BritishLibrary’s online bookshop https://shop.bl.uk/products/medieval-women-voices-visions
This beautifully illustrated, large format volume accompanies the BL's exhibition "Medieval Women: In Their Own Words" which seeks to recover women's voices, visions and experiences in Britain and Europe from around 1100 to 1500. #middleages @BLmedieval
a selection of detailed essays and some 40 studies...a rich and complex picture of their world
What #archaeologists are learning from the discovery of 50 extremely rare Viking skulls in #Denmark 🇩🇰
@histodons @archaeodons @historikerinnen
#geschichte #histodons #history #histoire #archaeology #Archaeologie #archaeodons #vikings #MedievalStudies #medievalists #MiddleAges #Mittelalter
“The legal profession had a sharp decline until the #MiddleAges where men began to study canon #law as a lifelong profession. The legal profession’s return was marked by the renewed efforts of church and state to regulate it. In 1275 a law was enacted that laid out a punishment for professional lawyers guilty of deceit.”
#history #LegalTech #LawFedi
Medieval #Illumination / #Illuminations picks of the day:
➡️ @MerlyBlack - Creates illuminations and works of calligraphy, as well as drawing and watercolours. Creates own paints using medieval recipes.
➡️ @kleavens - Illustrator, calligrapher, creates medieval-style illuminations.
➡️ @dailymedievalcats - Pictures of cats on medieval manuscripts
➡️ @medieval_illuminations - Bot posting medieval book illuminations
#Medieval #Mediaeval #MiddleAges #History #MedievalArt #MedievalHistory
If you like the Middle Ages and love mysteries, check out my Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries series. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=matthew+cordwainer+medieval+mysteries&crid=1O604M3A277TL&sprefix=matthew+cordwaine%2Caps%2C85&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_17