DOD Bars New Transgender Troops Amid Court Challenge
The #us #military will stop enlisting #transgender recruits and halt #genderaffirming #medical care for #current #service #members according to a U.S. Department of Defense memo filed in D.C. federal #court litigation challenging the Trump administration's ban on transgender troops.
[via email from Law360]
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#LGBTQ English #Wikipedia deletion alert
Could you save this LGBTQ related #English Wikipedia article from deletion?
Clare Dimyon
* British LGBT rights activist
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Only One #Arrest After #Video Shows Several Neo-#Nazi #GangMembers #Attacking #MixedRace #Family In #Texas #River While Yelling ‘#WhitePower!’, #Report States.
One of the victims described how the #members of the “neo-nazi #gang” had “#swastika” #tattoos and “other #nazi #symbols” on their bodies.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Texas #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Racism #WhiteSupremacy #HateSpeech #Hatecrimes #BlackMastodon
Hey Community, Niklas braucht eure Hilfe! 💪🏻 Pls share!
Er ist 15 Jahre alt, lebt für den #Fußball – ob auf dem Spielfeld, an der Konsole oder im Stadion. Doch jetzt steht er vor seiner größten Herausforderung: Niklas hat #MDS eine Erkrankung des blutbildenden Systems, und braucht dringend eine Stammzellspende, um wieder gesund zu werden.
#MatchForNiklas #LebensretterGesucht #metality #metalheads #members #metalityheads #family #butlouder
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#Fascist #Texas #AttorneyGeneral #KenPaxton #Demands #PFLAG Provide #Names, #Addresses Of #Trans #Members.
On Thursday, a legal filing by #PFLAG National alleges #retaliation.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Texas #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Violence #Genocide #Discrimination #Transphobia #ThePartyOfHate