"Ah, that oversplains everything!"
"if you don't like it, block me!" isn't the take you think it is, bestie..
Mostly because:
1. It's giving LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU fingers in your ears type energy.
2. I probably already blocked you before you hit enter.
#ReplyGuys #Men #Sexism #mansplaining #ToxicMasculinity #gaslighting
What’s the woman version of #mansplaining? Cause I see it too, sometimes.
Mansplaining .. nicht so beliebt, wie der ein oder der andere hier vielleicht denkt 🙄.
Liebe (meist) Männer, lasst es einfach.
Hier für euch eine kleine Entscheidungshilfe 🤓.
(Quelle: BBC)
[white cis men need not comment]
#Men #Sexism #mansplaining #ToxicMasculinity #gaslighting #ReplyGuys
"culture's just a group of people"
#Men #Sexism #mansplaining #ToxicMasculinity #gaslighting #RegionalAustralia #Australia #Academia #Uni #university #psych
I'm still astounded at the audacity of the white cishet man who came up to me, after a talk about the history of criminalizing gender diversity and the usefulness of the idea of gender euphoria for depathologization, to question the qualifications of my expertise.
He was like, "When did you begin transition? Around 2019? That's a really short time to have expertise in this already?" I was taken off guard. I had literally started my talk listing my experience like my MA, lecturing in gender studies at a local uni, and working for a trans-focused organization in trans community every day. To challenge a trans woman who is a lecturer in gender studies married to a professor of trans studies who has published peer reviewed papers on trans studies....because you're some dude?
I bumbled something about how i was trained as a feminist anthropologist and involved in trans activism before my transition because i was taken so off guard.
Ich bin wirklich, wirklich kein #SPD-Fan, aber wer ist das 10jährige #Mansplaining-Quengelkind, das die Sendung #MarkusLanz moderiert?
🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwLA3z6maBU
🏷️ #SaskiaEsken #EP2024 #Europawahl #OlafScholz #Bundeskanzler #ZDF #Talkshow #MichaelBröcker #RüdigerVonFritsch #SimonSchnetzer #BrittaHilpert #Wählerwanderung #Wahlergebnis #Wehrdienst #Bürgerdienst #Jusos #Ampelkoalition #PhilippTürmer #SigmarGabriel #KatarinaBarley
British golf pro Georgia Ball's "mansplaining" social media post has gone viral. The 90-second clip, filmed at a driving range near Liverpool, has been viewed more than 10 million times. The video shows Georgia, a certified PGA pro and instructor, practising her swing, only to be given "helpful" tips by a male golfer. The BBC has the story — and the clip.
#Golf #Mansplaining #Lifestyle #SocialMedia #UnitedKingdom #Liverpool
Ok, look: I know it feels bad being "accused" of #mansplaining. I know that most of the time we're "just trying to be helpful." I've been on both sides of this.
Here's the thing — if the person you're trying to be helpful to tells you that you are not being helpful, that's that. Accept it, apologize, and move on. 👈
Trying to "explain" and "clarify" will only make you look more like a jerk. Just don't. ✋
Instead, you can go and (re)read this stellar piece of advice:
https://anotherangrywoman.com/2023/01/18/how-to-give-advice-on-the-internet-without-being-an-utter-menace/ 👀
There are three areas that people (mostly men) think they're somehow automatically good at with no training and no expertise, and somehow anoint themselves experts in evaluating other people despite inevitably completely sucking at it.
These are: rapping, fighting, and acting.
Listening to people bash the actors participating in the strike has been really illuminating.