Stephen Graham is brilliant, isn't he? Well done for warning parents about the fucking Manosphere, we've let American Social Media enable terrible things in our youth.
#UKPOL #UKpolitics #StephenGraham #AdolescenceNetflix #manosphere #Misogyny #Patriarchy
💭 I fell down the rabbit hole of the Manosphere after a chaotic breakup. I let anger fuel toxic beliefs about women, but I eventually broke free. In my latest article, I share my story, explain the dangers of echo chambers, and call for empathy and equality.
📖 Read more: https://bit.ly/4hjr7kv
#Manosphere #GenderEquality #ToxicMasculinity #Feminism #MensMentalHealth
Damning Report Exposes Horrific Accusation Against Trump Defense Pick
Here is what #PeteHegseth’s accuser said about him
#RapeCulture #manosphere #politics https://newrepublic.com/post/188666/donald-trump-defense-pick-pete-hegseth-police-report
"Photo of Rapist DonOLD Trump at Epstein's private island dancing with a 13 year old girl.
Trump was in his 50s when this was taken."
#politics #Crime #RapeCulture #manosphere #ChildRape #misogyny #DonOLDTrump #JeffreyEpstein
Annie Lowery thinks that the young bros who are now gung-ho on online sports betting, day-trading, and crypto, emboldened by Trump's victory, are likely in for a hard fall. Her advice to them:
"Beware the bro-economy," which she defines as "a volatile, speculative, and extremely online casino, in which the house is already winning big."
#Trump #manosphere #brosphere #YoungMen #crypto #OnlineGaming #sports
"The rise of the brosphere, the manosphere, was a funded effort. It did not come out of left field. You know, you have... the Kochs and other very special, large special interests and very, very wealthy interests who are funding these. So it's not organic. No, it's not organic."
~ Alex Winter
#Trump #fascism #cruelty #EconomicElites #manosphere #brosphere #misogyny #DarkMoney
"You raped her because her clothes provoked you?
I should break your face because your stupidity provokes me."
#RapeCulture #Assault #ViolenceAgainstWomen #Crime #manosphere
"Just a reminder: these three committed perjury and now women are dying as a result."
#RapeCulture #manosphere #YourBodyMyChoice #AbortionRights #Theocracy #religion #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #politics
You’re going to hear a lot of people attribute Trump’s win to all kinds of reasons. But he owes at least part of his victory to the manosphere, that amorphous assortment of influencers who are mostly young, exclusively male, and increasingly the drivers of whatever monoculture remains in a fragmented online society. Read it at @WIRED (Subscription may be required). #Trump #2024Election #Manosphere #Podcast #ElonMusk #Tech #Technology https://flip.it/Al_N7O
will we allow the women in persia to carry the burden of standing up to the patriarchy alone?
#Manosphere #Patriarchy #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #AbortionIsHealthcare #RapeCulture #Theocracy #politics
16yo Muhammad Altantawi killed his mother because she was rejecting traditional Islamic practices.
But a #manosphere culture & agenda is the unwritten background to this horrendous story of #religion, #intolerance & #misogyny.
No, Alex Wagner, you're not correct - the concept of the #manosphere's been around for yrs (Google or Twitter search it), it's just been re-coined recently as #manoverse by someone who either couldn't remember the real name or is just messing w/us.
Actually I've never heard it called the #manoverse before.
And I prefer #manosphere - visually easier to see what's happening there & it's less likely to be mispronounced.
Potato, potahto, I guess.
But not really. :)