#streetphotography #photography #timesquare #manhattan #NYC #newyorkcity #nypd #horses
#streetphotography #photography #timesquare #manhattan #NYC #newyorkcity #nypd #horses
There’s a whole new Jersey Shore on this #Petrofuture map … 66m sea level rise on a 1956 Shell map of New Jersey
View the higher-resolution map in the shop:
#greenWashing #climateChange #maps #clifi #cartography #outsiderArt #Manhattan #Brooklyn #NewYorkCity #NYC #NewJersey #JerseyShore
A murit Michelle Trachtenberg, actriţa din „Gossip Girl” şi „Buffy the Vampire Slayer”.
Avea 39 de ani.
A fost găsită inconştientă şi fără reacţie în apartamentul din #Manhattan.
🏛️#CasaAlbă a postat o fotografie, generată cu AI, care îl înfățișează pe Donald #Trump ca rege, în contextul deciziei acestuia de a anula taxa de trafic din #Manhattan. Reacție puternică a guvernatoarei statului #NewYork și a altor politicieni 🇺🇸#Americani.
#Trump ”rege, mai presus de lege”, după demersul de anulare a taxelor de drum pentru șoferii din #Manhattan.
That's more like it!!
Protestors outside the Tesla Manhattan Showroom.
"Don't buy swastikars"
What’s not to love?
After one month of congestion-relief pricing, one million cars have vanished from streets of #Manhattan. City bus speeds are up, with ridership (weekends) up 21% over last year.
#ny #nyc #newyork #manhattan #travel #guggenheim #museum #architecture
Analiză 📰#FinancialTimes. Taxa pe aglomerație, introdusă de la începutul anului în centrul #NewYork, a îmbunătățit semnificativ traficul, dublând viteza de tranzit, la orele de vârf, prin #Manhattan. Șoferii plătesc însă 9 💵#USD pe zi, dar numai între anumite ore.
#windowfriday #windowfridays #windowfreitag #fensterfreitag
#cityscape #cityphotography #architecture #blackandwhite #contrast #oldandnew #NewYorkCity #NYC #Manhattan #urbanlandscape #gothicarchitecture #skyscraper #church #cathedral #religiousarchitecture #urbanexploration #urbanplanning #historicarchitecture #pastandpresent
#sonya6600 #tamronb070s #darktable
New York isn't the first, and won't be the last:
#NYC #CongestionPricing Cleared by Judge for Sunday Launch
"The program, under the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, would charge $9 for most drivers entering #Manhattan at 60th Street or below. It was designed to reduce traffic and pollution while raising $15 billion for the city’s subways, buses and commuter rails."
Sunset Brooklyn Bridge
For sale here:
#bridge #brooklynbridge #brooklyn #gothic #gothicstyle #sunset #clouds #sky #gothicbridge #buyintoart #mastoart #wallart #wallartforsale #wallartprint #holidaygifts #manhattan #nyc #iconic
Taxa de 9 💵#USD pentru a reduce aglomerația din #Manhattan, aprobată de 👮#AutoritățileAmericane.
New York City's Economic Development Corporation has selected a new operator for the Downtown #Manhattan #Heliport — part of the city's vision for accelerating the transition from conventional #helicopters to #eVTOL #aircraft. Details in my latest dispatch for The Air Current: https://theaircurrent.com/feed/dispatches/skyports-groupe-adp-selected-to-operate-downtown-manhattan-heliport/
British and Hessian forces captured Fort Washington, at the north end of #Manhattan island, OTD in 1776 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/new-york-skate-manhattan/?s=mb #travel #history
🤖 Artist: #StreetartFrankey 🇳🇱 in City: #NewYork / #Manhattan #WallStreet / USA 🇺🇸 10/2024 - Title: "Wall-E" - #Streetart #Art #Urbanart #Installation #WallE #GoodMorning ! 🥐☕
🇺🇸#SUA. Rudy #Giuliani, fost primar al #NewYorkului și avocat al lui Donald #Trump, este deposedat prin executare silită de apartamentul său din #Manhattan, o mașină, bijuterii și alte bunuri de lux, după ce a pierdut procesul de defăimare cu două femei care au numărat voturile din 🇬🇪#Georgia, la alegerile din 2020. #Giuliani și-a declarat anterior falimentul personal.
A U.S. judge ordered Rudy Giuliani to turn over control of a luxury New York apartment, jewelry and other valuables to the control of two Georgia election workers seeking to collect nearly $146 million from the former New York mayor in a defamation case. #us #usa #news #minimarketonlineltd #minimarket #America #manhattan #newyork #rudy_giuliani #rudygiuliani
Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani has been ordered by a United States judge to turn over his apartment, jewellery and other valuable possessions to a pair of election workers whom he defamed. On Tuesday, US District Judge Lewis Liman, sitting in Manhattan, called for the transfer to occur in the next seven days, to pay the millions in damages owed to the election workers. #us #usa #news #minimarketonlineltd #minimarket #America #manhattan #newyork #rudy_giuliani #rudygiuliani
"We are in Toronto", says Patti Smith, reading from "Just Kids", The Apartment (p 44--47)
Toronto, Ontario
March 9, 2013
Concert in Memory of Robert Mapplethorpe
24th anniversary of his death
Queen Elizabeth Theatre
#PattiSmith #poetry #punk #rock #MaxsKansasCity #1970s #Manhattan
Rainy day run from Clinton Hill, Brooklyn, across the Manhattan Bridge, thru Chinatown/Little Italy/Soho/West Village, then a few miles in Hudson River Park with a friend.
#running #nyc #manhattan #brooklyn
As someone whose last day of work at the #WorldTradeCenter was September 10, 2001 (I stayed late until 9 PM that Monday, and woke up late to go to work the next day and so I never made it in), a reminder that Donald #Trump spent the day calling into news stations bragging about how he now owned the tallest towers in lower #Manhattan (believe it or not, that was a lie, nevermind the callousness, disregard for dead and dying, and selfishness)
And this from today: