Elegant #paper #LampSculptures illuminate the #room with #style https://zorz.it/RTCdC | #Andrius #art #FrédéricGuibrunet #lamp #PaperArt #PaperLamp #PapierMâché #PapierMâchéTechnique #sculpture #SophieMoutonPerrat
Hello folks, my hosting provider (#LAMP stack) has doubled pricing from $50/yr to over $100/yr in the last five years. This, while we know the cost of storage has gone down dramatically. I don't think they want to be in the business of small site hosting. I need hosting for two domains that use PHP. It needs the ability to wildcard forward email and block certain addresses (currently doing that in cPanel ). Anyone have suggestions for moving to a new #webHosting provider?
Product link 👉🏼. https://budgetbuddy.store/s/25SCV3Hxz2v
A student at his desk, facing a red brick wall, , using a lamp to focus on his books, as he sits in a wooden chair, his back to us as he concentrates.
[ Prints : https://james-mccormack.pixels.com/featured/student-james-mccormack.html ]
#student #FediGiftShop #desk #Mastodaoine #Mastoart #watercolour #redbrickwall #lamp #BuyIntoArt #books #woodenchair
#macgyver lamp round 2.
Or.. when you really reaaly have nothing better to do.
Cardboard, tape, coffee can, paper plate and a bit of aluminum foil, leds and a battery holder. Again.. no soldering.
#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #fedibikes #MdRddG #MdRgD #MdRzA #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC
#Welt! Bist du noch da?
#Bike and #Street #Lamp
Finster ist es Morgens noch, auf dem Weg zur #Arbeit!
Fand aber auch, dass dies ein #Foto wert ist, in #Anlehnung an die tollen Bilder von @Indiefotog.
Schaut mal bei https://Indiefotog.com vorbei.
Jetzt 'n #Kaffee!
Heute was aus der #Mottenkiste:
Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder - Ebony and Ivory
Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!
A student at his desk, facing a red brick wall, , using a lamp to focus on his books, as he sits in a wooden chair, his back to us as he concentrates.
[ Prints : https://james-mccormack.pixels.com/featured/student-james-mccormack.html ]
#student #FediGiftShop #desk #Mastodaoine #Mastoart #watercolour #redbrickwall #lamp #BuyIntoArt #books #woodenchair