Oh, snap, is the #Insurance Adjuster #JohnBrown?
Today in Labor History October 16, 1859: Abolitionist John Brown led his famous raid on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry in order to obtain weapons to defeat the forces of slavery. The raid failed and Brown was executed. Brown was an Evangelical Christian who believed he was "an instrument of God", raised to strike the "death blow" to American slavery.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #slavery #abolition #johnbrown #deathpenalty #slavery #directaction #BlackMastadon
#LangstonHughes's maternal grandmother was married to a man who joined #JohnBrown at Harper’s Ferry, where he was fatally wounded.
Today in Labor History June 2, 1863: Backed by three gunboats, Harriet Tubman and her force of 300 black soldiers, freed 800 slaves in the Combahee River Raid, South Carolina. Furthermore, they set fire to the plantations and destroyed millions of dollars-worth of stores, cotton and homes of the wealthy, without losing a single person. Additionally, it was the only military engagement in American history where a woman, black or white, “led the raid and under whose inspiration it was originated and conducted.” Tubman devised her war strategy after repeatedly penetrating across enemy lines and spying on Confederate troop movements. In the aftermath, Confederate Captain John F. Lay said, “The enemy seems to have been well posted as to the character and capacity of our troops and their small chance of encountering opposition, and to have been well guided by persons thoroughly acquainted with the river and country.” Most Americans know of Tubman’s role in the Underground Railroad. However, she was also a spy for the Union Army. And in the late 1850s, she helped John Brown plan his raid on Harper’s Ferry and recruit supporters for the raid.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #civilwar #harriettubman #slavery #Abolition #undergroundgailroad #johnbrown #liberation #espionage #strongwomen #BlackMastadon #blm