#NowPlaying: Strigoi.
I'm a bit miffed that Gregor Mackintosh makes better music outside of Paradise Lost, one of my favourite bands.
#NowPlaying: Strigoi.
I'm a bit miffed that Gregor Mackintosh makes better music outside of Paradise Lost, one of my favourite bands.
The EP 'Herniated' that HERNIA put out this year is pretty cool, and it's a good contender for this week's #GrindayFriday. 'Herniated' is a nice loud, grindy affair across its five tracks. Definitely a grind band to watch.
#grind #grindcore #hernia #metal @vanessawynn @wendigo @HailsandAles
Daily Journal – 13 Jun 2024 (Thursday)
This is the daily journal entry for the 13th day of June in 2024. The Daily Picture Theme is #Grind. Featured photo is that of John Rosenfelder at the grinding wheel, repairing his Model T. “Writing is medicine. It is an appropriate antidote to injury. It is an appropriate companion for any difficult change.”— Julia Cameron Dumbo DUMBO is a neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY.
#Hagafell #Iceland #Reykjanes #eruption #grind
For those that were avidly watching the youtube live feed a few weeks ago, now is the time to load it up again. The eruption has begun at Hagafell.