[#TRADESHOW] The 10th #World #Battery & #Energy #Storage #Industry #Expo (#WBE 2025) will take place from August 8 to 10, 2025, at Area A of the #China #Import and #Export #Fair Complex in #Guangzhou. #WBE2025 #exhibition covers the entire energy storage chain, from battery #materials and #smart #grid #tech to #hydrogen energy and #recycling #solutions. https://cnbusinessforum.com/event/10th-world-battery-energy-storage-industry-expo-wbe-2025/
[#TRADESHOW] The 10th #World #Battery & #Energy #Storage #Industry #Expo (#WBE 2025) will take place from August 8 to 10, 2025, at Area A of the #China #Import and #Export #Fair Complex in #Guangzhou. #WBE2025 #exhibition covers the entire energy storage chain, from battery #materials and #smart #grid #tech to #hydrogen energy and #recycling #solutions. https://cnbusinessforum.com/event/10th-world-battery-energy-storage-industry-expo-wbe-2025/
A bit more than 10 hours to go! "Estonia and the other Baltic States will disconnect from the Russian-run electricity network on Saturday and connect to the Continental European Synchronous Area on Sunday."
Via @HonkHase
[#TRADESHOW] The 10th #World #Battery & #Energy #Storage #Industry #Expo (#WBE 2025) will take place from August 8 to 10, 2025, at Area A of the #China #Import and #Export #Fair Complex in #Guangzhou. #WBE2025 #exhibition covers the entire energy storage chain, from battery #materials and #smart #grid #tech to #hydrogen energy and #recycling #solutions. https://cnbusinessforum.com/event/10th-world-battery-energy-storage-industry-expo-wbe-2025/
#GreatBritain’s #energy #grid operator closes connection queue | EnergyIndustry | The Guardian
One of the downsides of having so many #RenewableEnergy projects is that they have to be queued to be connected to the #ElectricityGrid. This repriororitzation pause could help in managing that queue.
We created Grid because we were tired of seeing companies take advantage of people and families' data for profit and lie about it. So let's go through the main players in the location sharing space on the Apple Store and show you why Grid is the better alternative. A THREAD✨ #privacy #Tech #DataProtection #DataSecurity #BeHardToTrack #Grid
The next Texas grid collapse
#Capitalism #Texas #Neoliberalism #Electricity #Grid #Corruption
Plans are materializing for the go-it-alone Texas power grid to get some outside help, but Louisiana lawmakers are getting in the way
#texas #louisiana #powergrid #texaspowergrid #grid #gridreliability #poweroutage #power #energy #electricity #renewableenergy #renewables #gridplanning #transmission #politics #policy #energypolicy
Laura’s* Penpot** session, Introduction to Flex and Grid Layout, will be live streamed via Peertube tomorrow from 2-3 PM UTC at https://peertube.kaleidos.net/w/g5F9Se2PK2934EFrLSuJ16
Company charges forward with large-scale power-storage building in #Brighton - on Electric Avenue, of course
Chewy and accurate article about future solar:
KTVB: Idaho Power sets new all-time record for electricity demand
BOISE, Idaho — "People across southern Idaho and eastern Oregon used more electricity than ever before. Idaho Power said their preliminary data shows they broke the record for power demand on Monday.... The increase in population and the prolonged, intense heat are factors for the extra usage. Idaho Power elaborated the biggest draws for electricity this time of year are air conditioning and pumping water for irrigation. "
https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/local/idaho-power-new-all-time-record-electricity-demand/277-cfc16ff3-e5de-4789-bc85-7cc75d1ebe4f #Idaho #heatwave #IDwx #grid #powersupply
"ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas said that the grid operator is projecting Texas will need to nearly double the current capacity of 85 gigawatts to 150 gigawatts by 2030. This huge uptick in projected demand, he said, is driven in large part by rapid expansion of new Bitcoin mining facilities and AI data centers that suck up tons of electricity. "
Wow, you can see the (many!) power lines on the Thompson Fire on this topo map... #ThompsonFire #grid
The 2024 #China #Energy #Internet #Conference recently took place in #Future #Science #City, #Beijing, gathering #industry #leaders, #researchers, and #policymakers to discuss the future of energy #innovation and #sustainability. This event highlighted the latest advancements in energy internet #technologies, promoting the integration of #renewable energy #sources and #smart #grid solutions. https://cnbusinessforum.com/exploring-the-future-of-energy-at-the-2024-china-energy-internet-conference/
Can anyone help with me this #css #grid problem -- https://cdpn.io/pen/debug/zYQWWYa/86a41656ae1406581210646a621f9279
There are two columns (min-content, auto) and the right column is a resizable editor region with scrolling overflow.
What I want is for the left column (and the whole grid) to match its height to the editor, while the left column has hidden overflow.
How do I do that?
(btw. it doesn't have to be grid, and it's fine to use inner wrappers.)
The US experienced staggering growth in solar and wind power over the last decade
"Nearly a quarter of the nation's grid now runs on #renewables, [including 4 % solar and 10 % wind].
Meanwhile, #coal power has declined sharply, and the use of #methane to generate electricity has all but leveled off.
But for the growth in capacity to be integrated into the system and utilized, the #grid needs to be [expanded]."
Right now, could you prepare a slice of toast with zero embodied carbon emissions?
Since at least the 2000s, big polluters have tried to frame carbon emissions as an issue to be solved through the purchasing choices of individual consumers.
Solving climate change, we've been told, is not a matter of public policy or infrastructure. Instead, it's about convincing individual consumers to reduce their "carbon footprint" (a term coined by BP: https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/aug/23/big-oil-coined-carbon-footprints-to-blame-us-for-their-greed-keep-them-on-the-hook).
Yet, right now, millions of people couldn't prepare a slice of toast without causing carbon emissions, even if they wanted to.
In many low-density single-use-zoned suburbs, the only realistic option for getting to the store to get a loaf of bread is to drive. The power coming out of the mains includes energy from coal or gas.
Even if they invested in solar panels, and an inverter, and a battery system, and only used an electric toaster, and baked the loaf themselves in an electric oven, and walked/cycled/drove an EV to the store to get flour and yeast, there are still embodied carbon emissions in that loaf of bread.
Just think about the diesel powered trucks used to transport the grains and packaging to the flour factory, the energy used to power the milling equipment, and the diesel fuel used to transport that flour to the store.
Basically, unless you go completely off grid and grow your own organic wheat, your zero emissions toast just ain't happening.
And that's for the most basic of food products!
Unless we get the infrastructure in place to move to a 100% renewables and storage grid, and use it to power fully electric freight rail and zero emissions passenger transport, pretty much all of our decarbonisation efforts are non-starters.
This is fundamentally an infrastructure and public policy problem, not a problem of individual consumer choice.
#ClimateChange #urbanism #infrastructure #energy #grid #politics #power @green