Next up is South America…the #Petrofuture —
Melted ice caps on a vintage Esso gas station map.
Higher-res images:
#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #greenWashing #SouthAmerica #Brazil #Brasil #worldBuilding #Argentina #Colombia #Venezuela #AmazonRiver #Chile #Peru #Ecuador #Paraguay
Climate change will mess with Texas.
The #Petrofuture map—Melted ice caps on a 1956 Shell Oil road map.
Higher-res images:
#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #greenWashing #BrownsvilleTX #permianBasin #Texas #CorpusChristi #worldBuilding #gulfOfMexico #Houston #Galveston
#Studie: #Seedbombs sind schlecht für die Umwelt - #Mogelpackung Seedbomb!
Für ihre Studie „Schmetterlingswiese, #Bienenschmaus und #Hummelmagnet – #Insektenrettung aus der #Samentüte“ nahmen die Autoren Corinne Buch und Dr. Armin Jagel des Bochumer #Botanischen Vereins e. V. die kleinen Tütchen genauer unter die Lupe. Für ihre Untersuchungen fotografierten die Autoren die Samen der #Saatgutmischungen. Anschließend säten, bestimmten und dokumentierten sie fotografisch die sich daraus entwickelnden Keimlinge und #Pflanzen. Das Ergebnis der Studie ist ernüchternd und alarmierend zugleich. So hat das Aussäen weitreichende, aber leider nicht die beabsichtigten Folgen. #greenwashing
#Beewashing #Wildbienen #Honigbienen #Bienen #Hummel
#Garten #Balkonien #Balkonien #Stadtgrün #blumen #Wildpflanzen #Wildblumen #biodiversität #natürlich #Natur #frühling #sommer #Sähen
Sind Ausgleichsflächen Naturschutz?
One of my favorite #Petrofuture maps….The Mississippi River becomes a vast inland sea reaching up to Memphis.
Of course New Orleans is gone. I mean, c’mon.
Melted ice caps on a 1956 Shell Oil road map.
Higher-res images:
#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #greenWashing #Louisiana #Mississippi #NewOrleans #worldBuilding #gulfOfMexico #MississippiRiver #Memphis
Around the corner to the underbelly of the US, the #Petrofuture Alabama map.
Melted ice caps on a 1956 Shell Oil road map.
Higher-res images:
#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #outsiderArt #solarPunk #steamPunk #greenWashing #Alabama #worldBuilding #gulfOfMexico
Six inches forward and five inches back, the #Petrofuture Florida map is one of the more dramatic ones. 66m sea level rise will emasculate the state.
Melted ice caps on a 1956 Shell Oil road map.
Higher-res images:
#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #outsiderArt #solarPunk #steamPunk #greenWashing #Florida #worldBuilding
We’re continuing south in the series…The #Petrofuture map of North Carolina—66m sea level rise on a 1956 Shell Oil road map.
Higher-res images:
#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #outsiderArt #clifi #greenWashing #worldbuilding #RaleighNC #NorthCarolina #capeFear
Investors value green labels — but not always for the right reasons
#GreenFinance #SustainableInvesting #GreenBonds #Finance #GreenBonds #Greenwashing #RetailInvestors #GreenLabel #SustainableFinance #ClimateAction #Investment #EnvironmentalImpact
My timeline just got bombed by very similar posts from various accounts using the hashtags #Sustainability #innovation all promoting the use of nuclear power for AI and data centers run by the tech giants.
It seems like an #astroturfing #greenwashing campaign right here on Mastodon.
Nuclear energy is not sustainable.
I’ll block any account that seeems to be part of this.
…something something draining the swamp…
The #Petrofuture map of Washington, DC—66m sea level rise on a 1956 Shell Oil road map.
Higher-res images:
#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #outsiderArt #clifi #greenWashing #washingtonDC #worldbuilding
Moving further south, the #Petrofuture map of the Mid-Atlantic coast—66m sea level rise on a 1956 Shell Oil road map.
Higher-res images:
#climateChange #maps #cartography #climateCrisis #outsiderArt #clifi #greenWashing #washingtonDC #worldbuilding #richmondVA #midAtlantic
There’s a whole new Jersey Shore on this #Petrofuture map … 66m sea level rise on a 1956 Shell map of New Jersey
View the higher-resolution map in the shop:
#greenWashing #climateChange #maps #clifi #cartography #outsiderArt #Manhattan #Brooklyn #NewYorkCity #NYC #NewJersey #JerseyShore
💄 El #greenwashing y otros lavados también se han apoderado de la industria cosmética debido a la falta de regulación en este sector
Te lo contamos en un nuevo reportaje del Anuario de Consumo Crítico
Por Rosa M. Tristán
Zooming in a bit from the #NewEngland #Petrofuture map, this is #Maine — 66m sea level rise on a 1956 Shell gas station map.
The base map is from
#greenWashing #climateChange #maps #clifi #climateArt #cartography #AcadiaNP #outsiderArt
This #Vancouver map is one of the first few dozen of the #Petrofuture series. They're based on maps from
Related--We love you #Canada! Please let us move there.
#greenWashing #upperLeft #climateChange
#maps #clifi #climateArt #cartography #salishSea #PNW
The #BritishColumbia map is another from the first #Petrofuture series. They're based on maps from
❤️ #Canada ❤️
#greenWashing #westCoast #climateChange
#maps #clifi #climateArt #cartography #salishSea #PNW #VancouverIsland #outsiderArt
The first few dozen of the #Petrofuture series were primarily of North America, and based on maps from
The #SanFrancisco map is one of them.
#climatechange #maps #clifi #climateArt #cartography #bayArea #greenWashing #outsiderArt
This is the first map from a new #Petrofuture series for #Britain and #Ireland …
There’s a lot more at
#greenwashing #climateChange #maps #cartography #outsiderArt #UK #England #Thames
AI is bad for the environment, and the problem is bigger than energy consumption
#AI #Environment #ClimateCrisis #Sustainability #OpenAI #Alphabet #ChatGPT #Claude #GHGEmissions #Bias #BigTech #ClimateJustice #AIImpact #Greenwashing #DataCenters #Google
The last of the #Petrofuture #France series….
#greenwashing #art #climateChange
(3/x) Biodigesters are a form of #greenwashing. At best, they are a costly use of #climate funding: #Biodigesters cost $1,130 per #cow per year but generate just $128 worth of gas. At worst, they expand a brutal factory farm system by incentivizing dairy farms to grow:
Canadian companies are using social media to boost their ESG credibility, but investors aren’t buying it
#Canada #ESG #SocialMedia #Greenwashing #Investors #Sustainability #CorporateResponsibility #GHGEmissions #EnvironmentalImpact #BusinessEthics
The #Bretagne Petrofuture map... #France when the ice caps melt.
Each of the #Petrofuture series is a comment on #greenwashing, nostalgia, and propaganda--showing coastlines when the ice caps melt, layered on top of the vintage gas station map.
#Brittany #ClimateChange #Maps #Cartography