✊You, the people, have the power!✊
#Dictators rise and fall. They rule with #fear, they divide, they suppress. But as #CharlieChaplin said in The Great Dictator:
"You, the people, have the power – the power to create machines, the power to create #happiness!"
This speech was true then, and it is true now. The world has changed, but human nature has not.
🔥 Stand against fear. Fight for #humanity. The power is in our hands! 🔥
#democracy #war #usa #politics #trump #fascism #rightwing #putin
#Trump is a psychopath
will go ahead with provocations threats insults
until a breaking point is reached
Then Trump will declare #emergency
and that a military 'control' of #Canada resources
is necessary for US 'national security'
Canada must prepare militarily
contact the #European #Allies and #Mexico
make plan
Because when things will get BAD in #US
(and they will)
the solution of all #fascist #dictators
is to declare war to someone
And Canada has the misfortune of being close to the #USA.
When #Trump told Zelenskyy "You don't have the cards", what he meant was "you don't belong to our oligarchs' club".
#Oligarchs and #dictators would never understand but, of course, for us citizens of the world, the fact that Zelenskyy is the free leader of the brave people of #Ukraine is what makes him hold the strongest cards.
As #Zelenskyy put it, as the true leader of a #democracy he is, "the #people around the world who support Ukraine are our strongest security guarantee".
All the oppressed people of the world have been saying it for decades, probably centuries:
The first paragraph of Garry Kasparov's article "The Putinization of America" at The Atlantic.
As somebody who spent scarce money to subscribe to it, I give it the highest recommendation. 👍🏼
#GarryKasparov #DonaldTrump #VladimirPutin #Autocracy #Dictators #oligarchs #ТрампПутинскийПудель #ВладимирПутин #ПутинХуйло #ДобейПутина #РоссияТеррористическаяСтрана #ДональдТрамп #ТрампРусскийИнструмент #КомандаПутина #TheAtlantic
Serious question and serious answers only please.
What is the best way to #donate to #Ukraine and know it gets to them?
What is the best way to get involved in the #Democratic party?
I stand with #democracy and I stand with Ukraine. We must stand up to #bullies whether abroad or at home.
Take back our country from #billionaires and #dictators.
I would not be surprised if
to distract #Americans from the tragic breakdown that He is causing
#Trump would declare war to someone
#Dictators need 'external enemies' to stay in power.
The 'tactic' of the #dictators
the 'vade Mecum' adopted by #Trump:
-Take away everything from the population
freedom, security, prosperity, hope
-Keep the population frightened with hypotheses of wars
-Isolates the nation cutting International diplomatic relation or
When everyone is desperate
grant crumbs (the 'Great Leader' is 'generous')
only to those who are prepared to prise the #Dictator
or to 'bend' (silence is 'bending')
This is what Trump is doing to #Americans.
Trump’s Trans Ban Defines Everyone as Female
This order defines sex as starting at conception, which is impossible
It’s possible to know chromosomal information, all embryos initially develop along female lines
According to this definition all Americans are female
#Trump's anti-science stance is a commitment to spreading #falsehoods about how sex and gender actually function
#disinformation #TyrantTrump #oppression #dictators #authoritarian #Orwellian #dystopian
Another thing ALL #Dictators do when they take power
is to change the laws (if there are)
that limit the period in which one can be President
#Trump will have the 22nd Amendment
(which prohibits him from being president for more terms)
repealed or amended.
[thread 2/x] Trump2: buckle up ...
parent: https://mastodon.social/@persagen/113436929353577778
#USpol #Trump #Trump2 #MAGA #Trumpism #GOP #JDVance #SteveBannon
#fascism #authoritarianism #extremism #disinformation #xenophobia #racism #dictators
#antiLGBT #homophobia #transphobia #ParentalRightsMovement
#HeritageFoundation #Project2025
#capitalism #corporations #billionaires #ElonMusk #AmericaPAC #Progress2028 #libertarianism
#ChristianRight #Christofascism #Gilead #misogyny #paternalism #sexism
Growing up as an #American I was taught to believe America is a melting pot, a Nation of immigrants and #Democracy and rule of law was what we stood for.
I saw cracks in this early on as a teen, I witnessed failures time and time again but collectively we still tried to hold on to this idea, to support it despite not agreeing on many things at times.
We've now elected a #fascist who admires #dictators, has said he shouldn't have left office, has made it clear how little he thinks of #women, #immigrants and anyone who disagrees with him.
His now close friend and surely an advisor, #ElonMusk hates #transgender people. His party rejects the idea that women should have the right to choose much for themselves and the idea that #immigration is what has made America great, is now a distant memory to the majority of my country.
I recall decades ago how the #USA was behind in #education in many ways compared to the rest of the developed world. I can't help but feel in this moment i'm seeing the result of that in action.
When Trump was put in office the first time, much was uncertain. There is no uncertainty now. I cannot say that anyone who voted for him simply voted for #economic reasons alone... His positions, his party, his closest friends and what they all support and stand for clearly is #racist, #transphobic, disrespectful of women and rejects everything America stated we stood for.
I no longer wonder anymore how Hitler, or others ended up in power. I'm living it right now in my own country as a #trans person, as a person who welcomes immigrants, as a person who supports women in their right to choose and as someone who once believed America believed in itself.
The #voters have spoken. The idea of what America has been is clearly dead and what awaits us is more #hatred, #division and #anger on all sides.
A weak person
feels inferior to those he deems 'strong'
The #MAGAs are subjects of #Trump because they believe Trump to be a 'strong' person
and they are weak.
Trump admires #Dictators because Trump sees them as 'strong' people
and because he feel weak compared to them.
A strong #Nation does NOT look for a Dictator
because a strong Nation is made up of a strong #People
and a strong people are NOT weak.
do you remember when #Trump sent his goons to raid his doctor's office
to make all his medical documents disappear ?
why do such a thing if not to hide something ?...
#Dictators DO NOT like civilians with guns
(NO autocrat like Trump has left weapons available to civilians... (ever)
especially now that two former MAGAs have thought of snuffing him...
Except #fascist purges and #racist repression
what trump promises to get elected
is NOT what he will do once he has power.
With #Trump
#America is on the brink of becoming
from a 'lighthouse' #Nation of #freedom
to a Nation beacon of #Fascism
The cancellation of the 'We the People' principle.
America wil become the 'model' nation
for all the wannabe #dictators on the planet.
Trump has set up a Vademecum (with the help of the #Heritage #foundation)
on how to overturn a #Liberal and #Constitutional #Democratic Nation
in a dictatorial nation.
The US has become that corrupt banana republic where a Dictator rigs elections , while at the same time propping up invasion , occupation and Genocide and preaching to others about a democracy it does not have
#Uspol #Uspoli #Cdnpoli #Election #Trump #Corruption #Dictators
#AnaNavarro explains communism and #Fascism
Let's be serious. Donald #Trump and his minions call #KamalaHarris a communist
I know #Communism
I fled communism from #Nicaragua when I was 8 yrs old
And let me tell you what communist #Dictators do (And it's never just for 1 day)
They attack the free press. They call them the enemy of the people
They put their unqualified relatives in cushy government jobs
They refuse to accept legitimate elections when they lose
They call for violence to stay in power like #Maduro #Venezuela
Do any of those things sound familiar?
Is there anybody running for president who reminds you of that?
#Presidential elections in the #USA are >important< for the rest of the planet too.
#America MUST remain #Democratic
#Trump is a dangerous idiot, a fascist and a racist
he has betrayed America's #Allies and has colluded with the worst #dictators and criminals.
I hope America will be able to avoid falling into #MAGAs hand
Unfortunately even if America doesn't want trump
trump can become POTUS against the popular will
MAGAs have worked hard to make this happen.
you waited too long to wake up.
#Autocracy, Inc
The #Dictators Who Want to Run the World
“We think we know what an autocratic state looks like: There is an all-powerful leader at the top. He controls the police. The police threaten the people with violence. There are evil collaborators, and maybe some brave dissidents.”
“But in the 21st century, that bears little resemblance to reality. Nowadays, autocracies are underpinned not by one #dictator, but by sophisticated networks composed of kleptocratic financial structures, surveillance technologies, and professional propagandists”
#fascism #ChristianNationalism
Trump’s explicit campaign promise of authoritarian rule,
the GOP’s enthusiastic embrace of it,
and the media’s utter failure to alert voters to what’s coming:
At a rally in Michigan over the weekend,
Donald #Trump uncorked one of his longest rants ever in praise of the world’s #autocrats, #strongmen and #dictators.
He hailed Xi Jinping of China as “brilliant” for controlling 1.4 billion people “with an iron fist,”
and described Xi, Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Hungary’s Viktor Orban as “tough” and “smart.”