This week was NOT your fault
It was the stupid time change!
So, stop blaming yourself:
Take a deep breath and find your equilibrium
But after that... Yeah... You're going to need to figure out what to do with the bodies...
This week was NOT your fault
It was the stupid time change!
So, stop blaming yourself:
Take a deep breath and find your equilibrium
But after that... Yeah... You're going to need to figure out what to do with the bodies...
While several parts of America moved their clocks ahead last night, Trump and Musk continue to move the clock backwards to 1939 Nazi time.
#daylightsavingtime #trump #musk #nazi #fascism #dictatorship
Daylight saving time and early school start times cost billions in lost productivity and health care expenses
#DaylightSavingTime #Health #Productivity #PublicHealth #SchoolStartTimes #MentalHealth #PolicyChange #Safety #HealthImpact #Sleep #HeartAttack
I find it amusing (and sad) that one of the few remaining clocks we have to manually reset for Daylight Saving Time broke on my attempt to change it this morning. #daylightsavingtime
#Feline Saving Time involves spending one extra hour with one's #cats every day between now and November 2nd. #Cat #CatsOfMastodon #daylightsavings #daylightsavingtime
Tonight we Spring ahead by one hour.
In six short months, America will fall all the way back to 1939.
The Canadian Sleep Research Consortium endorses permanent Standard Time (the clock aligned to the sun) for sleep health—thank you! #DitchDST #DaylightSavingTime
Current feels... #daylightsavingtime #darkoutearly #seasonalaffectivedisorder
“Permanent #StandardTime would be better for health… Permanent #DaylightSavingTime would have a worse effect than the current situation…” 🔗 👇 #SaveStandardTime #DitchDST #Canada #Alberta
The most cursed time idea: infinite time zones and variable-duration time measurements.
Utilizing very accurate GPS, each chronometer identifies its exact coordinates, and thus the local sunrise/sunset times. Let 0600 equal sunrise at your location, and 1800 equal sunset at your location. The day is then divided into 12 day-hours and 12 night-hours, each of which are divided into to 60 day/night-minutes and 60 day/night-seconds.
Call it Neo-Sundial Time.
A neuroscientist offers tips on how to avoid the winter blues after you set your clocks back this weekend:
@psychology #psychology #DaylightSavingTime
Sort of unintentionally pulled one over on my wife regarding Daylight Saving Time. Busy day and night last night, forgot to mention it before heading to bed. All of our clocks changed except the one in the car. She flipped out when she realized it. "I didn't get the benefit of thinking I gained an hour of sleep back!" #daylightsavingtime
I have spent approximately 1,000 minutes changing the time on clocks and watches in my adult life *only* because of #DaylightSavingTime. That's more than a full waking day's time just doing foolishness that also causes me to have difficulties for weeks with the time change.
WTF people, let's get this eliminated.
We did it, everybody. We saved daylight.
Don't forget about daylight saving tonight,.
#Cher #DaylightSavingTime
I *hate* #DaylightSavingTime it is past time it is abolished. Even being retired it is still hard on me having the time change. The sunrise and sunset when marked against the clock time is just disabling for a few weeks every year when the time changes.
Dear Canada, US, and Mexico: Did you harvest and preserve enough daylight? The season ends tomorrow. ⏰
Daylight Saving. Sublime but fleeting. #DaylightSavingTime #photography #landscape #autumn
In the U.S., daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. local time on Sunday, Nov. 3.
@AssociatedPress has tips for preparing your body and mind for the time change:
“Set clocks to Standard Time. Noon is when the sun is at its zenith, midnight is when the sun is at its nadir. The clock should state astronomical truth.” #DitchDST #DaylightSavingTime
Since, it is almost that time of year:
If you are in the U.S., are you for or against abolishing Daylight Saving Time (DST)?
#time #date #DateTime #DateAndTime #DST #DaylightSavingTime #DaylightSavingsTime #clock #season #fall #autumn #ClockChange #GMT #UTC #EDT #EST
The ancient Romans had an alternative to daylight savings time.
BBC News reports: "Twice a year, around a third of the world's countries perform a hotly-debated ritual: meddling with time to create longer summer evenings and brighter winter mornings."
Tomorrow is the start of Daylight Saving Time 2024, when most Americans turn their clocks forward by an hour, but Republicans work to turn the clock back several decades.
This is it. The night when your phone tells the microwave and fridge to start living a lie. #DaylightSavingTime