Ugly Dessert for Today - Pumpkin Cookies with Cinnamon Buttercream!
I always repost this recipe near the start of fall. It’s the first recipe I ever developed, it’s still by far my most popular recipe and it’s perfect for the season.
Plus it’s been hot as heck in S.F. and we don’t have AC, so baking is not at the top of my list 😬
#ugly_desserts #uglydesserts #sfbaker #pumpkin #pumpkincookies #cinnamon #cinnamonbuttercream #cookies #cookierecipe #cookiesofsf
Falls sich jemand wundert, wieso es auf unserer Webseite kein nervigen Cookie-Hinweis gibt: Wir bilden keine Profile über euch, nutzen keine #Cookies und können uns daher diese Abfrage sparen.
Und die Webseite lädt auch extrem schnell, u.a. weil wir nicht von 1000 zusätzlichen Systemen externe Inhalte einbinden.
So einfach und inzwischen doch so selten 🤷 Unser Ziel ist schließlich nur, dass ihr schnell und unkompliziert die gewünschten Informationen zum Thema #Falschparker findet.
What the actual fuck The Verge?! You have over 500 partners who need access to my "essential" cookies?
I mean, thanks for showing me the numbers on how insane data sharing is, but really? And those are the ones I can't opt out of?
Do they count like every employee as a partner, or is my data really being shared with hundreds of other businesses?
Kann bitte mal jemand diese ganzen Webseitenbetreiber mit elend langen und falschen Cookie Prompts verklagen/abmahnen?
Der Ablehnen-Knopf wird neuerdings „Mehr Details“ genannt. Dahinter verbirgt sich eine 14 Seitige Liste mit irgendwelchen Anbietern die alle glauben ein berechtigtes Interesse zu haben mir nachzuspionieren. Selbst in der Kategorie „Zwingend Erforderich“ landet Google‘s Tagmanager.
Leute, so geht es nicht weiter!
#dsgvo #datenschutz #cookies #CookieConsent @noybeu
Google drops it's plan of disabling 3rd-party tracking cookies by default in Chrome. 🍪
Looking for a Chrome alternative? Check out our recommendations.
#browser #email #privacy #encryption #foss #cookies
#Google changes its mind about third-party #tracking #cookies—we’re stuck with them for the foreseeable.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (#EFF) is absolutely livid at la $GOOG’s volte-face. Switching off third-party cookies was finally going to happen this year—following delay after delay. But, given the “feedback” from regulators and #AdTech firms, that’s not now happening.
Instead, Google will do something else in #Chrome. In #SBBlogwatch, we’re still unclear what. At @TechstrongGroup’s @SecurityBlvd:
Weiter Drittanbieter-Cookies bei Google Chrome
In Apples Web-Browser Safari und bei Firefox sind Drittanbieter-Cookies standardmäßig blockiert. Google hegte für Chrome ähnliche Pläne - ließ diese nun jedoch überraschend fallen.
#Chrome #Google #Drittanbieter #Cookies #Blockieren #Safari #Mozilla #Edge #Browser #User
My sweet tooth was hurting, so I decided to stop and get myself a little treat. A Cookies and Creme Pie from MickyDees. Perfect since I am a cookie monster! 😋 #Treat #Mcdonalds #Pie #Cookies #Creme
een paar weken geleden wat prijzen vergeleken en ticketjes geboekt: Zaventem-Peking en terug.
en sindsdien krijg ik van d'Ollanders herhaaldelijk
in omgekeerde richting.
die verdomde
weten alles van ons. álles zeg ik u.
Ugly Dessert for Today - Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies!
I love marshmallow and I love chocolate so of course I’m going to combine them. This one uses regular marshmallows to make the recipe much easier – but feel free to use your own homemade ones if you have them!
#ugly_desserts #uglydesserts #sfbaker #chocolatemarshmallowcookies #chocolatemarshmallow #chocolatecookies #marshmallowcookies #cookies #marshmallow #cookierecipe
La Marea acaba con las cookies en su web.
#LaMarea #cookies
You've all had fair warning! My daughter, Abigail, is once again asking that people who are so inclined please purchase Girl Scout cookies through her digital store.
The goal this year, in addition to a repeat of last year (sold the most in her troop, woo!) is to subsidize a camping trip for those scouts that cannot otherwise afford the cost.
Thanks in advance and thank you again for playing a (huge) part in her success last year.
Despite not being made from real Girl Scouts, the most delicious #GirlScoutCookies are sold by #trans and #nonbinary scouts. Bonus points for being able to order online and have #cookies shipped to your house while supporting trans kids:
Thank you, @ErinInTheMorn for assembling this list of trans Girl Scouts from whom to order cookies, to say nothing of all your tireless advocacy work.
From @ErinInTheMorn:
Things are pretty scary for trans kids these days. If you buy Girl Scout cookies, consider buying them from these trans Girl Scouts.
2024 Trans Girl Scouts To Order Cookies From!
"So Google just switched off third-party tracking for 30 Million Chrome users - that's a good thing, right?"
– "Well, child, get some snacks, make yourself comfortable and let me tell you the story of how this will affect you, me, and all of humanity..."
[Distant thunder]
In the kind of person who takes the time to reject #cookies on all websites that I visit, and it’s pretty usual to find websites using 600+ “partners” with whom they share my data. But I think I found a new one for my top ten in, with a ridiculous 1498 companies they share my data with.
When you open the popup to reject the cookies, most of them are disabled by default, but they keep around 40 or 50 enabled under the pretense of “legitimate interests”.
I mean, isn’t their whole business to collect data to target advertisement? They might consider “legitimate” to collect as much as they can.
Daft is so apt.
What the fuck state are those switches in, Daft?