Weed pit in my plot at the community garden. After it's full I'll top it off with soil and start another one. Keeps the garden tidy and over time becomes organic fertilizer. I know this is likely boring to most but I've noticed that many of my fellow gardeners throw their garden refuse onto the paths between plots. #gardening #allotment #weeds #compost #composting #garden
February is the perfect time to give your garden beds a boost with compost! 🪴 This "black gold" is packed with nutrients that will feed your plants & improve soil structure. Plus, it helps retain moisture & suppress weeds. So get out there and spread the love!
#gardening #compost #soilhealth
Working on a pair of #compost crocks (among other things) to hopefully be fired by the end of the month. We’ve outgrown our old one so one of these will be the replacement. They each hold somewhere around a gallon/4L. The double handles make them easy to carry & dump, and the lids fit snuggly. They’re sturdy pieces of functional ware, which also serve as decorative objects when not in use. I’m excited to see them glazed. #beautility #functionalpottery #gardening #permaculture #ceramics #pottery
A good article... But make sure you sterilize eggshells if you compost them [200 F oven for 30 minutes].
#Gardener shares step-by-step method for #composting in even the smallest space: 'The tutorial we all needed'
"The more we all do our part at home, the better off the environment."
by Jennifer KodrosFebruary 9, 2025
The scoop
"An organization and #DIY design pro shows how easy composting can be, no matter what size space you're living in. 'You can #compost even if you live in a small apartment,' Shavonne (@restyleliving) promises at the beginning of her video.
"Shavonne goes step by step through the process. First thing: You have to start saving food scraps. You can keep them in a bin under your sink or, if you're concerned about the smell, you can always freeze them.
"Grab an inexpensive bin from the store. Bonus points if you can find one from Goodwill or another secondhand shop. Next, take a drill and create holes about 4 inches apart all over the body and lid of the bin for oxygen. Hot tip — make sure it's not too close to the bottom so that water can't leak out.
"Now you're ready to fill it up.
"'Alternate between layers of brown and greens,' Shavonne advises. 'Browns are your carbons, which are leaves or paper products. Greens are your nitrogen or food products.'
"Anything you can eat can be composted, along with eggshells, paper products, and coffee grounds. You can put the bin in your garage or on your porch.
"Shavonne says the fertilizer will be ready in three to six months, although worms can help break everything down faster.
"Warning: Gnats and fruit flies will appear, so make sure you put your bin somewhere that won't become a problem." [One could also have fruit fly traps nearby -- which is what I do]
Link to video:
#SolarPunkSunday #Composting #ApartmentLiving #Compost #Gardening #UrbanGardening
I’ve lived most of my life without a patch of land to grow stuff in. Now, I have a square of sad, pointless grass. I’ve made the leap and planted some cold resistant carrots in a grow bag & made the first wild spring salad with dandelions just come up. May my spoons hold…I have plans. #gardening while #spoonie Any green thumbs in cold climes have tips for easy wins? I’m new at this. #orkney #Scotland #compost #allotment
We had some actual sunshine today. I turned the compost, started a second heap, finally weeded the raspberry beds and added more fresh sawdust to the pathways. #GrowYourOwn #HomeGrown #NoDig #Allotment #Gardening #Compost
Cooking #compost. I turned the pile on Sunday and today it reached 130°F, supposedly the lowest ideal temperature for efficient decomposition and to kill weed seeds and soil pathogens.
Heat from composting can be harvested as renewable, sustainable energy. I get really frustrated by the sheer number of #EnvironmentalSolutions ppl have come up with that just aren’t implemented. Imagine a world where we use our food scraps to grow more food AND generate clean energy.
Compost Culture: An Introductory Film
A nice video about Birmingham’s community #composting project which I was involved with before long-Covid took me off the board. This features the three-bay structures I designed and co-built last year and it’s quite emotional seeing them in use.
Free dirt! 🧵
-sign up for chip drop
-after delivery, acquire fruit peels from shake/juice venues
-spread peels evenly
-layer chips on top
-takes 4-5 months to decompose completely
-not organic
#gardening #composting #compost #ClimateChangeGardening #soil #permaculture #recycling
Looking for a #climateaction resolution for 2025? Start composting, and tell people you do.
It means less methane from landfills.
Methane is a really potent greenhouse gas.
Landfills are a major source of it.
I've composted for years. It's easy - stuff rots. The nuances come in if you want fast good compost for #gardening, but to just lessen trash, it's very simple.
My rules... (cont)
Boost your veggies with compost-centric beds! Our new blog explores how layering compost enriches soil, reduces waste, and supercharges harvests. Ready to dig in? Read more at: https://buff.ly/4gZCjmh #gardening #compost #VegPlotter Happy growing #soil #go
#Gardening bubble, I need some tips. I'm thinking about creating a #wildflower #meadow with native plants in this part of the garden. Can I have some suggestions on what to prepare before sowing? Do I need to dig up the whole area? cover the area with fresh earth or #compost?
It's a pretty dark area: eastern side of the house, under a large gingko tree. The roots are close to the surface, so breaking up the whole soil will not be easy.
zone 7b, sandy soil, thin toplayer.
Beautiful low autumnal sunshine at the plot today. The growing beds are all sown with green manures and mulched with compost and ready for whatever winter has in store for it this year.
I had some bark fines compost left over from a job which the client didn’t want so that’s a win, win. I was hoping it would be the case.
#GrowYourOwn #GreenManures #CoverCrops #Gardening #Allotment #SoilHealth #Biodiversity #Flowers #Compost
Posting this here so I don't forget about it, but also to share: Appropedia is a whole wiki devoted to sustainability projects, many of which can be easily accomplished by an individual or small organization (not to say that climate change responsibility falls on individuals). Found on the Solarpunk subreddit.
#appropedia #sustainability #solarpunk #climatechange #diy #wiki #photovoltaic #greywater #compost #verticalGardens #solarcooker
Right now it’s hard for me to imagine the future, partly because it’s so dark, and partly because just wtf!
Yesterday I composted a bunch of plants from the garden and saved seeds to maybe help make a possible future I can’t see right now …
Four kinds of beans and peppers, radishes, and fennel.
More info in the alt-text.
Success!! I made my pallet compost bins (minus one pallet). The one in the middle should slide out to allow us to transfer compost from side one to side two. Made from heat-treated pallets collected for free, some pieces of wood from a disintegrating picnic table the last owners left, some buckthorn sticks, and a handful of screws from a box of 500 I bought several years ago, knowing I'd eventually find uses for them.
A wooden worm box buried in my plot since February has provided a steady supply of vermicast over the growing year.
The worms are free to come and go as they please. Enough seem to stay and feed on the veg and plant scraps that are added regularly.
#Compost #Worms #GrowYourOwn #Allotment #Gardening #SoilHealth
One for @compost!
Researchers at Kansas State University have been studying how different farming practices impact the amount of carbon stored in the soil. After comparing their results, the researchers concluded that soil treated with manure or compost fertilizer stores more carbon than soil treated with chemical fertilizers or no fertilizer.
Looking for native plant gardening, composting, and rewilding information for disabled people. Any resource recommendations?
#compost #rewilding #nativeplants #nativeplantsofthepnw #gardening #disability #disabled #mecfs
One of the fascinating things about compost worms (Eisenia foetida) is that they don't actually eat living plant tissue. Instead they savor the brown rotty stuff that forms on decaying plant and animal tissues.
I've seen worms reach up to damaged leaves and pull them down to the soil to clean them up and have a snack. I'm trying to say: they're gardeners. They keep the garden tidy (at their scale) and healthy.
I composted a moldy potato some time back, and was startled to find this thriving plant in the darkness of the bin.
"The plan, which saw a juice company dump 1,000 truckloads of waste orange peel in a barren pasture in Costa Rica back in the mid 1990s, has eventually revitalised the desolate site into a thriving, lush forest."
#Compost #Bioremediation #CostaRica #Nature
Compost escapee squash (it’s literally growing out of a hole in the bin) is growing a squash!!
Taking bets now on what our volunteer squash is!
Finished harvesting #compost, found these #DirtRocks at the bottom. Anyone know enough #SoilScience to be able to identify them? (No biochar added to the compost, but they look to be some kind of #SoilOrganicCarbon aggregate).
Have moved the tomato that escaped the compost bin to the garden proper!