The June #avocados are ready in March.
Scotland in March. Is this a record?
This is really bleak. Know I’m just singing back to the choir here but what are you guys planting for the pollinators this year?
This one is new for me, sneezeweed, Helenium amarum. They’ve already sprouted in their outdoor cold-strat containers.
Also transplanted year old loebelia siphilitica seedlings to the ground yesterday.
#NativePlants #gardening #pollinators #plants #nature #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChangeGardening #ClimateDiary #bloomscrolling #FleurisTonFil
#ClimateDiary #gardening #ClimateChangeGardening #trees #nuts #bloomscrolling #FleurisTonFil #NativePlants #plants #nature #jardin #garten
One of my American hazelnuts (Corylus americana) is beginning to flower.
‘We used to think the ice was eternal’: Colombia looks to a future without glaciers
#ClimateDiary #gardening #ClimateChangeGardening #fruit #NativePlants #plants
Sambucus canadensis (black elderberry), Ribes aureum (golden currant, not in native range), and rando native rose’s leaves budded out before the heavy snow. Checked on them today and they are fine.
We have a few native rose species locally. I collected berries of one that tasted really good, much better than any other rosehips I tried and doesn’t have prickly fibers. Guess we’ll find out id when it blooms.
#ClimateDiary We got a nice new electric car recently and it’s making me sick to the stomach that we are contributing to all thrse resource wars - Ukraine, Congo. Petrol was of course no better in this respect, but still. We have to stop private car ownership all together and I am annoyed I lost that battle in our own little household. One day!
This article is really worth reading in full. Captures how colonial all this is.
#ClimateDiary #ClimateChangeGardening #gardening
Never in this area’s history have we had this much snow. Usually, this area can go years without snow and the rare occasions it does snow, it melts by the afternoon.
Ugh. Getting advice from northern gardeners to remove snow from fruit tree branches so they don’t break.
Preaching to the choir here but this is happening due to the jet stream weakening and the polar vortex getting pulled down. #ClimateChange #snow
"In 2004, it took the world about a year to add one gigawatt of solar power capacity. By 2023, the same amount was added, on average, every single day.
For reference, a gigawatt of solar is enough to power approximately 200,000 homes in the US.
A big reason for this acceleration has been a large decrease in the price of solar panels. Since 2001, the price has dropped by about 95%, from $6.21 to $0.31 per watt."
#Solar #Power #Energy #FossilFuels #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateDiary
Climate change target of 2C is ‘dead’, says renowned climate scientist
#ClimateDiary #ClimateChangeGardening #gardening #rewilding #NativePlants #FoodSecurity #plants
Elymus canadensis, wild rye
The seeds I sowed in the fall have already sprouted. It’s probably ok. It’s a very tall native grass that has landscaping potential and can grow in a wide range of environments/soils. Seeds and roots are edible.
Seed heads need to be singed to remove plant fibers. Roots are cleaned, dried and ground to use as a flour. 🌱
#ClimateChangeGardening #gardening #bookstodon #books #plants #NativePlants #bloomscrolling #ClimateDiary
Almenachier, serviceberry 🧵
Robin Wall Kimmerer’s, “The Serviceberry”
As much economics as natural history, she links the gift economy with nature -storing abundance in the belly of my brother. She examines how capitalism is an unsustainable and destructive system and how it might be replaced.
It’s a beautiful book and very salient to our current economic-ecological problems.
So, the AMOC. You've heard of it? The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current, which flows south to north along the North American coastline, transports heat from lower to higher latitudes and basically keeps northeast N. America and western Europe from freezing to death every winter and ensures that parts of western Africa get enough rainfall.
I bring it up because I want to talk about how media cover science and climate change.
First, AMOC isn't easy to measure. You'd need heat sensors in the ocean along thousands of miles, and we've only had something approximating that since about 2004. So scientists use measurement proxies like air temperature records to model its behavior. A lot of climate science works like this.
For a while, over the past 2 - 3 years or so, there have been a spate of articles based on a few studies reporting that their models showed the AMOC slowing down already, and that this boded ill for the potential for climate disasters for the various regions affected by it.
Then, a few weeks ago, another study was released, using a different model, which showed that the AMOC may not have slowed down at all. Yet.
Naturally this inspired another spate of articles, this time with titles like "Key Atlantic Ocean Current Remains Stable, Defying Previous Concerns" or "New Study Finds That Critical Ocean Current Has Not Declined in the Last 60 Years."
Yet, the study authors didn't say that their findings defied previous concerns. They believe that the AMOC will weaken and probably collapse during this century. They just had a model that showed it hadn't weakened yet.
We're desperate for good news, and the AMOC weakening slowly instead of quickly is good news because it gives us more time to slow down emissions etc. I'm just highlighting the whole process, and the media bias towards normalcy/unwarranted positivity (at least when it comes to #ClimateChange). Anyway, here's a good article explaining how and why the models ended up differing, and why the back-and-forth doesn't mean much ultimately. Good news is fine, but this... was not good news, just an anomalous finding that was treated that way by journalists.
#Climate #AMOC #ClimateDiary #science #SciComm #ScienceCommunication
Just a quick note of apology for my silence here; not that it’s needed or that anyone necessarily reads it. It is strange, I seem to have completely lost the desire to share thoughts on social media. It seems to have just evaporated.
Also to even be on here. I am fine, personally,; but I think it might be linked to complete overwhelm with where we are at. Just shutting off lots of stuff, somehow. Hope it will change but just wanted to explain - and feel bad as I hadn’t kept up #ClimateDiary
#FoodSecurity #ClimateChange #ClimateDiary #gardening #ClimateChangeGardening #pollinators
One of the risks of climate change and climate weirding is the mismatch between shifting/weirding seasons and pollinator behavior/life cycles.
“…pollinators are directly responsible for supplying up to 40% of the dietary nutrient intake for humanity”
COVID aside, the rate of growth in the US economy has averaged about 2.5% over the last decade.
That’s currently in the region of an annual difference of $700 billion.
Within the last 6 months, Storm Helene and the on-going LA fires are reckoned to have done a combined $220 billion worth of damage.
But I guess the perverse world of economics extremism that operates in the US will see that as a landscape of “creative destruction” and book the rebuild as ‘growth’
" "Today’s assessment from the World Meteorological Organization is clear:
Global heating is a cold, hard fact,"
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said in a statement.
"There's still time to avoid the worst of climate catastrophe. But leaders must act
– now."
The planet's average temperature in 2024 was 1.6 degrees Celsius higher than in the 1850-1900 pre-industrial period, C3S said.
The last 10 years have all been in the top 10 hottest years on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization. "
(And previous toot in thread I fucked up )
#Climate #ClimateDiary #ClimateStrike #ClimateHistory #WeatherPatterns #LongTermWeather #ExtremeWeather #ExtremeWeather2025 #Meteorology #measure #measurement #science #ScienceMastodon #ScienceResearch #ScienceNews #experiment #try #learn #test #prediction #OhNo #activism
The ultimate #ClimateDiary entry - 600 pages of N. American plant data from nearly 200 years ago!
#ClimateDiary Ok this may come across as privileged conplaining - i mean, i have a feeling it does, whixh is kind of indicative in itself, because really it shouldn’t:
we just got our first #EV and whilst waiting to have our own charger installed (which is expensixe and you need to have off-road parking space), we are using public charging points and: the infrastructure here in the UK is crap! It’s either very very slow (like these ones in a local car park (also flooded, inside, today) 1/3
This video is making me rethink my cynical doomerism.
Say something to me to build on this….please.
Happy #Caturday to all who celebrate! We're having an "arctic blast"; this was called "winter" when I was a kid.
#ClimateDiary Wishing everyone here all the very best for 2025.
2024 has been a terrifying combination of catastrophic climate events on a level somehow not quite anticipated yet (by me at least); more and more science showing that past models may have been too cautious; and what feels political deprioritising of climate action across the world.
Not too optmistic right now that
2025 will be different; NYE itself part of this climate impacted reality! BUT 1/2
The hardest part of this trip has been learning that an estimated 20% of all Giant Sequioas, which have lifespans exceeding most of human (written) history, have been lost to fire and disease from #climatechange since 2020.
For context, 14 tons is almost 3x the average CO2 emissions of the average EU citizen.
One flight. One billionaire.
A sad reflection of the state of things ... the people responsible for disrupting our climate and endangering all our lives still walk free ... but ...
Record number of protesters will be in UK prisons this Christmas: