Story time: G-d is good to me. G-d is good to me. Since I couldn't log into #SSA for who knows what reason, thus began the desperate hunt for the print version of the 1099. Why do I have such a huge mountain of print mail having amassed? Clutter keeps me from that which I must find, the prize of my hunt. So, down on the floor I sit so as not to drop anything and out comes #SeeingAI and a scanning we go. An hour and a half later the mountain of clutter is sorted into a pile for saving and a pile for banishing to the trash. But still no joy. It must be here. I pray a desperate prayer and look through the tax papers folder, still no joy. Wait, what's this behind the file box. A Ziplock bag containing some braille. Well, well, there it is the #Braille copy of the 1099 and look what’s right with it the print version. I was more efficient than I knew it just hadn't made it into the box. It must have been on top of the lid and fallen behind. I tell you that box of 1,000 1-gallon Ziplock bags I bought was one of the best organizational investments I've ever made. I recommend 1-gallon and 2-gallon Ziplock bags for organizing papers and other things quite heartily. 🙏🙏🙌