#30DayMapChallenge · Day 24 · Only circular shapes. World forest cover in circles.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
#30DayMapChallenge · Day 24 · Only circular shapes. World forest cover in circles.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Day 22 - Two colours
This was a fun one! And I'm starting a petition to get somewhere named after Ringo...
#30DayMapChallenge 🗺️ Day 2️⃣1️⃣: Conflict
I figured a lot of mappers will create maps about recent wars and conflicts so I decided to create a map about #WorldWarI and see if #Wikidata is a good enough source for its battles, conflicts, and military operations.
I also wanted to know if there are any open data sources for historical borders, and I found one, CShapes! https://icr.ethz.ch/data/cshapes/
🧵 1/2
#battles #MilitaryConflicts #WW1 #WWI #WorldWar1 #GreatWar #MilitaryHistory
#30DayMapChallenge · Day 20 · OpenStreetMap. What better way to showcase the richness of OSM data than to have ten layers of data over shaded relief? :)
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
#30DayMapChallenge · Day 16 · Choropleth. Average temperature and precipitation of Brazil from 2000 to 2023 over shaded relief (left) and population density (right). Already did something similar for Day 3 (over elevation), so I thought I'd try pop density too.
Seen on the Internet. Map of #Mastodon server locations. We're still a mostly european network.
Taking another break from the #30DayMapChallenge. I do this when I'm out of ideas. Been out of ideas for a year I think. In any case, here's the population density of France in cubes. Because it's fun to stack cubes.
#30DayMapChallenge day 10: Pen & paper
🎨Brush & canvas
Carte de France de la peinture #paysage au XIXe s. 🖼️#impressionnisme🌄#fauvisme🌃#naturalisme🧑🎨#Barbizon🖌️ #Macarte 🗺️#mapping
🎨 19th century landscape #painting in France 🇫🇷
🗺️ online #storymap ➡️ https://macarte.ign.fr/carte/137w0v/Le-paysage-au-XIXe-siecle
#30DayMapChallenge · Day Twelve · Time and Space. Building growth of Manhattan, New York. Data from MapPLUTO, which may have issues with accuracy. Turns out it's pretty hard to find data on building age so let me know of any sources for future visualisations.
Day 13 of #30DayMapChallenge: A new tool.
In the future with #AI, making maps is much more easy, and fast.
#30DayMapChallenge · Day 11 · Arctic. #rayshader is back, with a visualisation of the indigenous languages of the Arctic.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
My email inbox needs a bit of attention, although I've mostly been ignoring it (in the spirit of paying myself first), 2737 undealt with emails (since the start of August!) is a bit much.
So I'm taking some time out of #AcWriMo and #30DayMapChallenge this week - hopefully I manage to get back to those later...
Jour 10 du #30DayMapChallenge : Pen & Paper
Voici ce que ça donne quand on enlève son ordinateur à un géomaticien-cartographe.
Taking a break from #30DayMapChallenge with a ridgeline plot of the Japanese Alps. I rather like how Mount Fuji stands out, like a signpost to help me figure out where's what.
Inspired and made possible by @jjakon11
#30daymapchallenge Day 11 (Arctic): Antantarctic = Arctic. I have never seen a polar centered antipodes map, so I was curious to see antarctica brought to the north. I used the BecaGIS plugin in QGIS to create antipodes of the continent and cleaned things up in inkscape. (Had to swap days for travel reasons. Pen and paper shall follow)
A twofer today as I try to catch up on #30DayMapChallenge - and a throwback to my old PhD thesis with a schematic map from Iceland in 2004..
Details and a modern comparison on the blog: https://sternaparadisaea.net/30-day-map-challenge/#Day10Paper
It's really sad to see people wasting the planet's resources on a social media game. Seems like the epitome of self-indulgence
#30DayMapChallenge Day 09: AI only!
#30DayMapChallenge · Day 8 · HDX. The HDX is a terrific resource, one that I use extensively for my pop density visualisations. This time, I wanted something different and found data on the world's international airports, so here they are.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
#30DayMapChallenge Day 7: "Vintage Style"
I've always loved the really old maps of the world that depicts the globe as two distinct hemispheres, so I have been wanting to try a map like this for a long time. I've run out of time to work on it, so it is missing a lot of the flourishes that I would have loved to add, but I'm pretty pleased with it given the time constraints. This one was a ton of fun, and a very welcome distraction today.
#30DayMapChallenge 🗺️ : Jour 6 (Raster), en retard.
Un patchwork des points culminants des départements français à partir des photos @ignfrance ⛰️✂️
Sommets boisés 🌳, rocheux 🏔️, cultivés 🚜 ou bâtis 🗼. Sans oublier les sites doublement ds le thème, fortement pixelisés ! 🤫
For #30daymapchallenge Day 6's theme of "Raster", I would like to share this map of the prevalence of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in the Salish Sea area.
This map uses a combination of two MODIS-based tree species classifications (Beaudoin et al. 2014 and Barry et al. 2013) based on imagery from 2000-2009.
This map will be included in the forthcoming Vegetation chapter of the Salish Sea Atlas: arcg.is/0WaK51.
#30DayMapChallenge · Day 6 · Raster. Global Tree Density.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
- Jour 6 : Raster
Radiographie du bassin d'Arcachon. Source : IGN (RGE-Alti 1m)
#30DayMapChallenge · Day 5 · A Journey. The Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Maps! Forcing myself to practice cartography for #30DayMapChallenge (Days 1-4)