@BilldeWorde88 I'm trying to read a lot of classic high fantasy right now. Vance's Lyonesse, The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (on it right now)... Read Gene Wolfe's Wizard Knight... really interesting worldbuilding, frustrating characterization/plotting... Read the Discworlds of course... before that read Vance's sci-fi (before that, his Dying Earth stuff)
@wickermanstudios I read the first wizard knight book many years ago and loved it. But I couldn’t immediately find the second. This was back when I still got most of my books from bookstores. A few people told me they were really disappointed by book two and I…never got around to reading it. Still have fond memories of the first one though
@BilldeWorde88 If you loved the first one, you probably won't just hate the second one, too. Probably what happened is there are a couple of long stretches of "then some stuff happened to Toug. I heard about this later" and we find out what's going on with Toug and/or some other character for a good while. People probably didn't like moving the focus off Able for that long. Because other than that, it's a pretty similar reading experience