“The military did not enter California. The federal government restarted federal water pumps after they were offline for maintenance for three days.“ - California DWR
@w7voa #journalists should track down Hegseth and see if he'l back Trump up, feign no knowledge of what's happening on his watch or, heaven forbid, back up California.
Gotta love a president that’s not even in charge of his own mind, much less the United States. I will emphasize the water in the north west is needed in the NW by the largely republican populations both for their own basic needs but also for agriculture and forestry.
It is remarkable that the GOP is so adamant to steal from Peter to pay Paul in their own base.
All those fake Hollywood military bases like Camp Pendelton, and especially all those bird bases Vandenburg, Travis and Edwards. And who in the world is going to believe there's an actual Chocolate Mountain? Please. 😕
Now I'm going to enjoy my Nestle brand water with Coca-Cola brand ice called Giardia. That's Spanish for Hacerse la boca agua.
@w7voa Lies and more lies are all they can use. Well it was used in Nazim Germany were if one lies enough, it becomes the truth?
@w7voa let me guess: this was Army Corps of Engineers, since they manage waterways. Quasi-civilian org. Appointing himself a savior for a crisis self-created. dear reich chancellor
proud ignoramus
@w7voa When fellow human beings are suffering from a tragedy beyond their control, there are a few possible responses:
* if you can, help.
* if you can't help, stay out of the way.
* if you are a psychopath, make it all about yourself
American children are learning that their society rewards the last option.
@w7voa Does he believe in fairytales?Is he insane? What do you need to lock a president up for insane behavior? I know a doctor…😉
@w7voa Wait. So the Trump government turned off federal pumps, then complained about pumps being turned off before turning them back on and taking credit for solving a crisis?
"In her first-ever briefing, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt promised to "provide the truth", and asked the press to do the same, criticising "lies" about President Donald Trump from some media outlets"
I mean, this correction will reach no one who is reveling in the idea of "the military entered California"
Is there no one with any power who is going to impkementvthe controls that are there to be used when a President goes full corrupt mode and steaks the machinery of power?
What is stunning, is watching Trump steal America and nobody doing anything about it.
@GhostOnTheHalfShell @w7voa Republicans steal from Peter and blame Paul.