would love to see pics of your swords, especially the sharp bronze one you made. with the blunts, do you have any feders?
would love to see pics of your swords, especially the sharp bronze one you made. with the blunts, do you have any feders?
@vitalis I have a Regenyei Armory feder, a Hanwei basket-hilt rapier, a Paul Binns Norman arming sword, an Armour Class Viking sword, a Sverdfadir langseax, and another langseax I don't know the maker of.
Also a couple of bearded axes, three spears with hafts of varying lengths and heads of varying sizes, and a few seaxes.
All blunt for reenactment combat. The Paul Binns sword I also use for sword&buckler, as it's light and springy enough.
The Binns Saxon sword in the image is my partner's
I like the wall display hooks for your swords and that bronze sword looks very well made. I think Regenyei makes great feders. I‘ve been learning Marozzo’s two handed sword plays with a recently acquired greatsword feder from them and its such a pleasure to train with.
@vitalis My club has a class in jogo do pau, which I might join at some point. I have trained in two-handed Dane axe - enough to be safe doing unchoreographed combat displays against unarmoured opponents - which have many similar area-clearing techniques.
There are of course no manuals in Dane axe use, so what my reenactment society taught was a mix of what works intuitively, what looks cool, and, more lately, inspiration from pollaxe manuals.