@thechildofroth @xandris @rds @beasts
If you're having trouble getting regular certbot certificates (because that requires certbot service to talk to the computer trying to get the certificates), you can try using the certbot DNS verification for certificates (because that only needs you to prove that you control the domain name, and doesn't really talk to your servers)
@double_a_runi @xandris @rds @beasts I used a very helpful guide from here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-acquire-a-let-s-encrypt-certificate-using-dns-validation-with-acme-dns-certbot-on-ubuntu-18-04 and it appears to have worked (for the certificates at least) so now on to learning a bit more #Nginx to get my #Jellyfin server line.
Many thanks again for the very helpful nudge in the right direction!