An 11 Minute supercut of #NABJ interview with Trump today. Think this needs to be seen far and wide. cc: @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews
his shtick is thinning like the toup
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews is this what they call "earned media"?
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews another fox lover
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews This old man is not capable of understanding one single question. He just rambles on and on and on from within the little world in his head. Such a senile wants to become president? And people are actually voting for that? That is beyond weird.
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews I love that the audience just laughs and heckles at him.
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews
Stable genius.
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews
I had brief hope that the video title was literal. One can dream.
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews it is great that the election that will bring fascism to USA under the American Taliban rule will not be decided by minorities - who now will be out and voting for the Harris ticket - but rather by the "silent" majority showing their true self & colors like they already do in so called "red" states - but don't worry, they will have every excuse under the sun to exonerate themselves for being despicable and allowing it to happen.
@tchambers What a guy. Never less than vile. No more business being president than a junkyard dog. And I apologize to junkyard dogs everywhere.
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews I find it hilarious how, the moment she brings up JD Vance, he starts rambling about how the VP pick never effects the outcome. He is WORRIED...
@tchambers @kamalaharrisforpresidentnews The only thing we've learned from this appearance is that he considers Harris's Blackness to be her superpower and that's why he attacked her strength.