#psa: #Howto #download #Kindle #books: Amazon is removing the book download to a file feature Feb 26th. Here's how to download your purchases.
Log on to Amazon.com and click Account & Lists
Click Content Library
Click Books
Find a book and to the right, click the More actions button
In the dropdown, click Download & Transfer via USB
Read the dialog. Click one of your Kindle devices
Click the yellow Download button.
Repeat 4 through 7 for each book or comic. There is no bulk download.
An .aws digital book file will download to your downloads folder. I've confirmed I can read it with Calibre on the Mac, an e-book reader. I expect the procedure will work on Windows or *nix.
Note: If the book is locked by DRM, you may only be able to view it on a Kindle, but you will have your copy forever. A good reason to buy DRM-free books.
Please BOOST!
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