@Badgardener Yes, I am very glad that I get to have a body part taken out ;) No, seriously. I am.
My brain is not computing your first question.
@Badgardener Yes, I am very glad that I get to have a body part taken out ;) No, seriously. I am.
My brain is not computing your first question.
It seemed like an endless round of getting ever-more specialist and senior doctors to just say 'yes'.
Really happy for you. I wonder if they do Congratulations cards for this eventuality?
@Badgardener Oh, yes. I got lucky over the holidays, made an end-run around the guy who never called back and was as told that there was never any problem in the first place.
@Badgardener Pretty much what I said once I hung up.
I would rather they just hadn't told me...
@Badgardener He was very confused when I explained that his doctor was supposed to please my case to him and call me back. There was never such a requirement...
That's actually a really serious thing, to put obstacles in the way of treatment which are not based in fact. This is not a cosmetic treatment without health benefit, so a medic should be following evidence-based protocols at all times, and *being truthful* in all their dealings with you.
Obviously, all you want now is to get through the process with goodwill all round, but it's something which ought to be looked at, later.
@Badgardener this isn't the first doctor worth reporting. But I can't prove any of the traumatizing experiences I have had. So it is the little female against white men in their sixties... But yes, once I have this done with, I will look into how to deal with this best.
That's another time, of course. All positive thoughts right now.