@jane_jordan You'll get sick of anything if you have it too much. I spread out my encounters with Papa Johns just enough til I forget what it tastes like. Then I come back to it and it tastes like the very first time I had it. Nothing beats that crust.
@rooktallon You're able to be sensible. :)
@jane_jordan I do my best. I just really like Papa Johns but my brothers don't as much. My dad won't even give it a shot because Dominos is what he grew up with.
@rooktallon I grew up with Pizza Hut, I thought I was bold when I branched out to Dominoes in college, and then again when I had Papa John's afterwards. Heh.
@jane_jordan I just really hate Dominos because they're sauce is far too sweet and their crust is far too thin and without substance. Pizza Hut is passable and I'd venture to say it branches on good pizza because the crust is good and buttery. But Papa Johns has that just baked, smooth crust that is well seasoned and is chewy enough to be satisfying but not enough to be clawing down your throat when you swallow.
@rooktallon I get you. :)
@rooktallon Now I really loved Domino's Deep Dish pizza. That was sooo good. Sadly, I can't eat that now.