@broadwaybabyto I'm a man and yeah, I agree with your statement. Sort of hard to judge a person and whether they would be capable of such actions, so I don't blame you for being careful about who you approach. I'll admit, I'm shorter than most men I've met and have thought about the idea of a relationship with a man. But the thing that's stopping me is the fact I wouldn't be able to defend myself if they got angry, especially if they're bigger and therefore stronger than me. Obviously nothing compared to the threat of rape at every opportunity, but something to think about for me at least.
Edited 143d ago
@rooktallon the physical size difference is definitely something I’m always aware of - just because it’s significant and a big part of why we can get hurt more easily.
I’m sorry it’s something you’ve worried about too.
@broadwaybabyto The problem that also makes me a little more cauceous is that I'm blind. So if anything happens, I wouldn't be able to react to it at all hardly. Well, I might but might is a different experience than will react to something if it were ever to happen. So, I try to keep my distance if I can even though there're some men out there I'd have definitely considered. Most of my friends are women and that's fine.