@Babcia54 @AnarchoNinaAnalyzes and, infuriatingly, things are becoming more US-like in France as well on the health front as it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get access to medical professionals in a timely fashion due to stupid policies and defunding of public services.
Many people are actually bitter that this level of service is offered at the Olympics when it doesn’t reflect their regular experience living in France anymore… and is, of course, largely paid for by their taxes.
@metacosm @Babcia54 @AnarchoNinaAnalyzes The UK is also becoming more US-like, and getting access to medical professionals is becoming increasingly difficult. The government are defunding the NHS and want us to think it isn't working, so they can make us have private healthcare instead.
@HollieK72 @metacosm @Babcia54 @AnarchoNinaAnalyzes
Australia has been undermining universal healthcare too. It's almost like a weird strain of griftocracy has captured democracies worldwide. Australia has enjoyed decades of sustained economics growth. But has enacted austerity policies regardless. Curious.
@robloblaw @HollieK72 @metacosm @Babcia54 @AnarchoNinaAnalyzes @blogdiva I genuinely believe that conservatives around the world are carving up any and all public services to complete the implementation of corporate feudalism