@Lee6 @running haha thx, I'm trying, but I've already slipped 3 times today and landed on my poor bum ๐ There's finally snow in the forecast for the next few days, which should make it a little less slippery again.
@riaschissl @Lee6 @running how about using spikes?
@stefanonegri @Lee6 @running Yes, I've thought of that too. As far as I've heard, the biggest disadvantage of spikes is that running on asphalt and similar surfaces, even if only for a while, becomes quite uncomfortable.
But I still want to try it out โ what I will probably do is the following with an old pair of #running shoes:
@riaschissl @Lee6 @running wow that's an interesting hack! I was thinking of the ones you put on an off. Anyway yes, you would have to remove them on any surface that is not snow/ice (or maybe mud). Keep us posted after you try, I'm very curious!