SNAP and fresh plants and seeds
If you are on SNAP food stamps, just a reminder, you can use your SNAP benefits to buy plants and seeds to grow produce at any place that accepts SNAP and sells plants or seeds for produce, even fruit bearing trees.
Whether it is tomato plants in a pot, herbs in the windowsill, lettuce in containers, green beans from a hanging basket or a small to large garden plot, you can make your benefits go farther. Don't forget berries. Don't discount a few things on the patio. A wonderful hobby and distraction, also. No experience really needed
Items include:
• Seeds for producing edible plants and edible plants (e.g. , tomatoes and green pepper seeds or plants, and fruit trees);
• Edible food producing roots, bushes, and bulbs (e.g., asparagus crowns and onion bulbs); and
• Seeds and plants used to produce spices for use in cooking
For every $1 dollar spent on seeds and fertilizer, home gardeners can grow an average of $25 worth of produce. Growing food from seeds and plants makes SNAP benefits last longer, allowing recipients to double the value of their benefits over time.
#Garden #Gardening #SNAP #FoodStamps