#AI math is a round peg trying to fit in a square #business hole.
The real costs are subsidized by #shareholders and #investors of startups.
The entire premise challenges #sensemaking and smells like a #RealityDistortionField.
#AI math is a round peg trying to fit in a square #business hole.
The real costs are subsidized by #shareholders and #investors of startups.
The entire premise challenges #sensemaking and smells like a #RealityDistortionField.
@paninid it's so weird that people can't tell the difference between the words "language" and "mathematics". There's obvious differences, starting with their spelling. However, they actually don't mean the same things either.
Therefore, it's quite obvious that a "Large language model" isn't actually a "large mathematics model" and matter of fact, I don't think the latter actually exists at all outside of a little thing they call a "calculator". It's a weird word, I know, but don't get discouraged! It's one of the older mathematics tools!
A large language model is a a “data product.”
That is the most apt frame to describe the construct from a business perspective.
Digital and data products already have business models.
This particular construct is a “loss leader”:
@paninid I know what a loss leader is and such, it's quite wild that companies are using AI as a loss leader though. Especially when it could seriously damage their credibility by not using it correctly, as we're seeing very widely.
Capitalists do what makes money, not what makes sense.
So, what does it mean when they do what makes neither? 🤔