@paninid I've tried learning Sanskrit/Samskrtam..
Whomever invented Devanagari .. engineered it for children!
Only such supple & agile minds can learn all the different ways of hiding characters among other characters!
Learning it when one is old is .. difficult, .. at best.
To me Sanskrit's probably the language that scripture belongs in..
*Tandem* is a good app for people who aren't autistic, like me, to learn languages through:
it's too social-presence-pressure for me..
maybe I'll get, someday, to where I can learn it..
but I *also* learned that *BlueBird* app exists to help one get imprinted with some basic word-meanings ( just in case anybody reads this & wants extra leverage! : )
Elisabeth Haich said, in her book "Initiation", that Sanskrit is the language of *origins*,
whereas *all* other human languages are actually languages of effects..
The young guy who was helping me learn, though Tandem, before my health cut me out from trying,
.. when he heard this, he laughed, & said it is true..
Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?
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