Quoting an anonymous commentator: “Questions on a core studies exam: Israel 2024 vs Germany 1940”
Boaz Evron once said that if the Germans hadn't turned against [Europe’s Jews,] the Jews would have been their [own] best executioners...
Is a pilot who bombs residential buildings and kills dozens or hundreds of civilians a "hero" or a war criminal who belongs in The Hague?
Compare the Wehrmacht's invasion of Poland to the IDF's invasion of #Gaza.
Does "I was just following orders" remind you of anything...
Did the initiators/commanders of Lebanon War 3 study core lessons about Lebanon 1 and Lebanon 2?
Does the mobilization for Lebanon War 3 resemble hunting dogs who have smelled blood?
Can one distinguish between Netanyahu, Kochavi, Gantz, Gallant, Halevi, Sa'ar?
Isn't it clear we're facing a war of attrition, where northern residents might return home in a few years, if at all?
List the differences between a war of attrition followed by the "Yom Kippur War" [1973], versus the "Yom Kippur War" followed by a war of attrition...
Isn't it clear that "eliminating" leaders results in "having no one to talk to" and prolongs the war indefinitely?
Doesn't assassinating enemy senior officials resemble the behavior of crime families in the sector?
Did the method of assassinating leaders start with #Rabin's "elimination"?
Isn't the sale of weapons to criminal organizations done by brave #IDF soldiers?
Write about the IDF - the Army of the Hannibal Procedure.