A nice read for my #canada friends about how the #anschluss worked in Austria.
Of particular interest is the plebiscite which showed 65% against it (Canada is about 75%); the propaganda from #germany in favor of it (even used ‘protection’); the use of #maga like #nazi thugs to destabilize; collusion with right wing Austrians (ahem #ford and #smith); later more direct involvement including #economic tools (#tariffs and threats of #sanctions); and #diplomatic #isolation
**[[NB: As we speak all the #Canada #Premiers are in #DC meeting with Team Trump and annexation is an agenda topic]]**
All before the grand finale of Anschluss and establishment of Austria as a province in Germany. But that’s not the end as it also included the slaughter of 400 to 600 thousand Austrian undesirables (Jews, Communists, disabled people, Socialists, labor leaders, LGBTA people, etc). Keep in mind that as bad as Canada was to its indigenous population, the US was infinitely worse, so expect there to be many indigenous deaths.
The below is a summary of how the Austrian Anschluss worked and is a pretty good roadmap for what the US would do to Canada.
Probably worthwhile for my #Australia compatriots to read this too, as they wouldn’t be far behind, distance notwithstanding.
At any rate the #fascists have done their homework.
#nazi #empire #war #boycottusa