@FibroJedi I’d be interested to hear about the reasons for moving away from Authy. That’s the tool I use and I wasn’t aware of any major problems
@neff apart from the data issue a few months back, my main reason is the app redesign. It generates codes before I ask it to, which I dislike. And it currently doesn't have a dark mode, or even a "match system setting" option. Given I work in low light, a sudden white app is not good for my head :)
@FibroJedi ooo I need to go do some research. I wasn’t aware of data issues.
As for the generating code - I thought that’s how most 2fa worked. I know there are some ones that generate when you initiate but the setup I’ve encountered most is the “confirm the key and then generate the codes based on the time clock” method.
But it looks like I’v’e got a few things to look into. Glad I saw your post!
@neff Because I have a lot of 2FA codes in Authy, they all trigger when I've unlocked the app and I find too many visuals a bit overwhelming - especially as they're all on a countdown the moment I've unlocked it! It's a personal thing though, I'm not saying #Authy is bad as a solution.
I want to know I can hit "generate" then look at my monitor, with more than 10 seconds of my countdown left.
With that, and currently no darkmode, I'm switching. Personal preference though.