@paninid this spring mountain bike season I will work ten races, 12hr days each day, putting on middle school and high school races for kids in 6th - 12th grades, in northern California, USA. Our sport is for everyone, a team sport, outdoors, in nature, away from screens. I work race crew because it makes me feel good about the world, giving kids this opportunity. I work Monday - Friday for money, weekend for high fives, and enough money to cover gas. The other race crew members, men and women, feel the same way. It is hard work. Somewhere around 700 kids will participate each season. We're just grown-ups with walkie talkies announcing, restocking tp, setting and tearing down course, helping their mom park, helping them on course if they're hurt, running the podium ceremony. We are a background to their fun day, their big adventure, their challenge. They might never see us, or remember us.
This is how.