@Badgardener @jerzone On a related note, I've also had great success with my "poor man's hot tub." That's a stock tank that uses a sump pump to pump water out, through a black hose in the sun, and then back into the tub. I've gotten my tub up to 110ยฐ Without a heater.
That sounds awesome! Have you made any posts about it? Iโd love to see it.
I doubt very much weโd get similar results in the uk, but the principle sounds great.
@Badgardener @jerzone As a matter of fact, I blogged about it when I first made it. I can't believe it's been that long: https://aneclecticmind.com/2013/07/11/my-poor-mans-hot-tub/
@Badgardener @jerzone I should add here that a few years ago when one of my neighbors died, the guy who bought his house had to dispose of a lot of his possessions. Among them was a big round stock tank that could easily hold four people. I got it for free, power washed it, and set it up in the yard to enjoy it with a friend. I have not used it since that summer but I'm not opposed to setting it up again. But in all honesty, I'd rather have a hot tub on my deck.
@Badgardener @jerzone Thanks!