Working on my #kubernetes cluster today using my 4 node kit that I backed. Such a great set of hardware! I did encounter the voltage bug though and fried one of my CM4s but support was on it so fast! Love these guys, highly recommend.
@me Can you give any details on your setup? I have a 1U rack mount kit (2 of them actually) with Pi4s in them that I am using now...mostly decent, but always on the look out for options.
@jason So this is a Team Cluster 4 blade kit by!! It’s been really fun backing them in kickstarter land, although, as I mentioned, one of my blades bit it due to a manufacturing bug that they’ve addressed. It’ll get replaced so not worried, just annoying. I’ve got that paired with a Frankenstein 45 Drives HLS15 with an AMD EPYC 32 cores with 256GB RAM and 8TB of HD :D
@me Yikes that is a storage beast. I was looking at the 1U rack mount cluster kit…that looks like it could be a lot of computer power.
@jason Waiting on final FCC certification - early adopters (post kickstarter) expected this month with general availability maybe by end of the year