The app that gives us updates about our car popped a notification up on my phone this morning that said in large captital letters: "Frontal Collision Warning".
This was 10 minutes after my husband left in said car to drive to work.
I, of course, freaked-the-fuck-out and tried to ring him.
But he didnt answer....
Tried again..... still no answer
My brain devolved into a mess, and I almost started hyperventilating....
Tried again and .... he calmly answers.
Never felt so damn relieved to hear his voice!!!!
Apparently, a frontal collision warning on the app *just* means that something is blocking the sensor and we need to clean it.
This is a terrible choice for the name of that notification if you ask me. Why couldn't it just be "Sensor warning" or something?!?!
Like seriously, they may as well just have named it "Hey, your husband's dead, LOL.", cause that's what my anxiety-ridden-brain read it as.